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Horrendous Stomach Pain


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I was just prescribed a very low dose of doxycycline for rosacea. I took it 2/day on Saturday and only once yesterday because my reflux was really starting to act up. My GI system is a mess and I thought i would let things settle down before trying again. Well this morning I had breakfast as usual and then got excruciating stomach pain. Wasn't sure if I was going to go to the bathroom or vomit - I ended up doing neither but just lying down in pain. Took some tums and that seems to help a little but I guess I'm wondering why this is happening if I stopped taking the drug yesterday morning. Could it be that it was just starting to affect me? I ate dinner fine last night...

Is this something I need to call my dr about today (holiday) or just hope it goes away. I'm nervous about taking my prednisone right now since that is tough on my stomach as it is but HAVE to take that or I'll be in a whole other boatload of problems.

Anybody have any experience with antibiotics causing pain AFTER you stopped taking them? How long before your tummy felt better?

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There are several good places on the net to research drugs and common reactions. "Webmd.com" is one of them, as is "drugs.com" and "rxlist.com". I did a quick look, and found that common side effects of Doxycycline are: nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, indigestion and heartburn, loss of appetite. So yes, I would say that there is probably enough of the drug left in your system to be causing your symptoms. They should subside gradually...I don't think a call to the doctor is warranted unless this persists for another couple of days or becomes severe.

"Webmd.com" also gives you a listing of patient feedback (as do some other sites) on almost every drug you'd like to look into, which is a great help for me. If you don't see a particular side effect you're experiencing from a certain drug, type in the drug and the effect you're experiencing in your search engine: (example) 'Paxil chest pain'. Usually there isn't enough room for these sites to cover every side effect, just the more common or very serious ones.

Hope this helps! I also look up drugs before I start a new one, or to see if one I'm already on may be causing the symptoms I'm experiencing.



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