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Trying To Find Dr In Ohio


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I have been having probblems for a couple years with flare ups off and on and had found out about pots from a cousin diagnosed with it in another state she educated me about it and being a nurse i went further researched it and have been tryin to find a doctor to take me seriously and quit telling me that its just anxiety or mitral valve prolapse being symptomatic and that i am basically crazy but after goin to a family dr a neurologist a cardiologist and everything i still am yet to find a dr close to me that actually has the proper education and specializes in such a disorder.... i live in dayton, oh and the closest i can find a dr from this website was in columbus at osu so has anybody been there or at the dr in maumee and does anyone know of another dr that would be closer????

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while i would be the first one to tell you that it would be best to have a doc other than dr. grubb who is able to work with you on a more ongoing basis, i'm inohio myself and do want to clarify that - if you are in fact in or around the dayton area - dr. grubb would NOT be a four hour one-way trip for you. he is by no means just down the street & i know any measure of travel can be tough, not to mention the no-insurance-coverage issue, but for the sake of everyone reading i just didn't want any confusion re: location/ geography.

not knowing exactly where you are in/ around dayton i obviously can't say down to the minute, but from dayton to dr. grubb's office in toledo the drive somewhere between 2 & 2.5 hours one way (so actually closer to 4 or 4.5 hrs roundtrip rather than one-way).

while i do have a number of doctors i would recommend in ohio, unfortunately they are all in or around the toledo or cleveland vicinities. that said, if you've already found yourself hitting a lot of brick walls in the medical community - an experience that's not at all uncommon in the effort toward proper diagnosis & treatment (amongst other things) - it very well might be VERY worth your while to plan a trip to one of the specialists in ohio. i would not recommend planning/ making such a trip instead of finding a physician who is more accessible to/ for you (both in terms of physical location & ongoing availability for day-to-day issues), but rather as a sort of step/ aid in the process. right or wrong, many people have discovered that having a documented diagnosis - official paperwork of sorts - from one of the "top docs" (or institutions/ hospitals), so to speak, and being that you are in ohio you are actually closer to several of the physicians/ facilities. yes i know they are all still at least a couple of hours from where you are and i know that it's not the easiest thing to plan or make a trip, but people literally travel from all over the country and beyond. so - since you aren't THAT far from several of these "top" docs/ facilities - it really might help you moving forward to pursue at least one evaluation at/ visit to one of these locales; in doing so (and in then - hopefully - getting your "official papers" re diagnosis, etc.) you might realize the added benefit of other doctors (i.e. those in your area) taking you, your diagnosis & treatment needs, & your overall situation a bit more seriously.

the ohio "hot spots" so to speak (in the realm of dysautonomia evaluation/ diagnosis/ treatment, that is) - are dr. grubb (at university of toledo medical center in toledo, ohio), several different doctors at cleveland clinic (in cleveland, ohio), & several doctors at case western reserve's university hospital (also in cleveland). searches here on the forum will provide more discussion/ opinions than you'd know what to deal w/ (for all three options) and each place &/or physician has it's strengths & weaknesses; if you do decide to proceed in that direction i would be happy to flush out the different options.

in the meantime, i certainly wouldn't forsake or even put on hold your quest for a good local doc as - despite all the specialists in the world - there is truly nothing more valuable than having a good working relationship with a an accessible primary care doc. i know it can be easier said than done, but hang in there and by all means do NOT give up!

hope this helps,

:o melissa (currently of nw ohio but born in southern ohio w/ several other stops - ohio & elsewhere - in between)

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