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Sudden Hearing Loss?


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Ok, guys...I've had more than my fair share of weird neurological things happening to me, but today I had a new one.

Woke up this morning from my morning nap (yeah, I know) and realized something was really, really off. Didn't take me long to figure out that I had lost most of the hearing in my right ear. To put it into context, if I hold up the phone to that ear, I can't even hear the dial tone, much less anyone talking. I had a really bad night last night...I wasn't doing too badly, but after chatting online with my brother for awhile, I got up to take a bath. I had to lay down on the bathroom floor quite sometime before I could even get into the tub. After I got there, I had to call my husband to help me get out and to bed. Slept all right, woke up around 6:00 when my husband got up, went to the bathroom, got a drink, came back to bed and turned the television on for awhile. Not really feeling much worse than I usually do when I first get up. Eventually, went back to sleep, woke around 10:00, and that's when I noticed. My usual orthostatic symptoms were much worse than normal...not quite as bad as last night, but worse than usual. During my nap, I had also had my constant passing out dreaming while sleeping. Half my whole head felt numb when I got up.

Being the computer dork that I am, I ofcourse, got up, got online and looked up sudden hearing loss. Guess there is such a thing! Called my primary care doctor's office, was totally unimpressed when I explained and was asked if I had stuck anything in my ear and oh, yeah...they have no available appointments until next week. Was advised that I should go to some kind of urgent care facility to rule out any immediate threat. Not crazy about that notion, but my husband finally talked me into it. Waited around until later this afternoon until I FELT like getting myself around to go and went. Ofcourse, nothing obvious on exam. I explained the POTS/autonomic neuropathy, and they wanted a CT scan to rule out a tumor or stroke. No obvious tumor or blood clots, but I did manage to get an appointment for Monday with my regular doctor.

Anyway, just wanted to share and ask if this had happened to anyone else. I'm still more orthostatic than usual, and all the weird little neuro tics are going full force. Here's some info that I uncovered in my search this morning:


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bjt22, I have had ringing in my ears and some hearing loss but it has never been total and it has always gone away. I think you are wise to treat this seriously... but it might just go along with the POTS stuff. I think many of us have horrible weird symptoms. I have had vision problems to the point I really was worried I was going blind- Lasts for days but of course thank GOD my eyes are healthy. Good luck but please keeps us posted. I will be thinking about it and praying for you until you write again. Good luck

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Hi there~

I hope this is nothing, as I hear you loud and and clear, no pun intended. I got VOIP and gave up my home phone this year I hate it but It's was all I could do at the time. I started hearing a buzzing sound and blammed it on the phone. The cable company came out and they couldn't hear it on the phones. Then one day I realized I wasn't near the phones and I was hearing it and it would come and go. Sometimes a heart beat and then a buzz. My doc told me that I may be progressing in my pots and that neurapathy may have gone to my ears.

my mom we believe has had pots she couldn't hear most of her life out of one ear. A few years ago she was taken to a ear specialist who pulled a the biggest piece of ear wax and now she can hear again.



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No wax...checked for that at the ER. And yeah, there is some buzzing, but underlying the buzzing is just a huge hearing deficit. It's just GONE. Hopefully, it will come back, and hopefully, I won't wake up tomorrow morning with the hearing gone out of my other ear!

Kayjay, temporary hearing loss when I'm very presync is common for me. Just like vision can tunnel and gray out, so can my hearing. This, however, is non-stop and it has nothing to do with what position I'm in, what I'm doing or anything else, seemingly.

Thanks, guys, for the concern...heck, again, I'm just happy right now knowing that I don't have a big old blood clot or tumor sitting on my auditory nerve!

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