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About a week ago I started getting that feeling where you can always feel your pulse in your chest. I went to my GP the other day and she was all "I don't know why you're feeling what you're feeling . . . it's just a sensation, not every sensation is a medical problem." She took my BP and it was still super low. (she hasn't bothered to find anything out about dysautonomia and always rushes me out of the clinic as quickly as possible, but I can't take the stress of trying to find another one. It took me eight months the first time round.)

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this? It's worst when I'm lying down (which is most of the time) but it's there when I'm standing or sitting, too.

Currently on: Midodrine (about a month & a half), vitamin B, iron, and tylenol for the headaches the midodrine gives me.

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Guest brianala

Yup. I started having constant (and I mean constant, 24/7) palpitations last year. I had an electrocardiogram, and an echocardiogram, and a 24-hour holter monitor. I was referred to a cardiologist and an electrophysiologist. Got diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse and inappropriate sinus tachycardia.

I also had a positive tilt table test and was diagnosed with neurocardiogenic syncope.

If your doctor won't take you seriously, find one that does. If you're not already, start increasing the amount of water you drink and salt and see if that helps. After trying that, plus beta blockers, plus midodrine I am FINALLY palpitation free (most of the time). I still have them if I don't drink enough water or skip my meds, but most of the time I feel back to normal now.

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mkoven: Thanks! I couldn't find anything on google when I took a quick check, but I'll keep looking.

potsgirl: I don't remember what my BP is (horrible memory for doctor's visits) but she said it was about the same as it was last time, and last time she said it was fairly low. I asked my cardiologist (who is, in contrast to my GP, very helpful, but lives hours away and I can only get an appt. every 3 months or so) about a TTT, but he said that there's a good chance of a false negative, so there wasn't much point - he'd treat me the same whether it was positive or negative, so all it'd do was make him some extra $.

brianala: I think I'll go back in to see her if it doesn't go away in a few weeks. I'd rather go back in now, but I get the feeling she'd just brush me off again. About getting a new doctor, it's just too stressful and exhausting. It too me eight months last time. There aren't enough doctors in my city, so none of them are taking on new patients - I only managed to get in to her clinic because she takes on any patient that goes to my university.m I really wish I could, though. I'll try upping my salt/water intake even more, though - it's been pretty warm recently and maybe I'm losing more to sweat than usual, so it's a good suggestion.

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