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Any Recommendations For A Dr. In Houston???

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I don't know of any doctors in this area that have been "recommended". I saw that there was a doctor at Ochsners in New Orleans that deals with Autonomic Dysfunction, but don't know anything about him or if he is good or not. If someone does know about him, could they please reply to Sue's post and help us out. I don't think I can take going to ONE MORE DOCTOR THAT JUST DOESN'T UNDERSTAND. I would like to know if anyone knows of ANY DOCTOR ANYWHERE IN THE SOUTH OR SOUTHEAST THAT THEY WOULD RECOMMEND. I went to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN b/c my Endocrinologist recommended them or Vandervilt. I chose Mayo because I was told I also have AUTOIMMUNE problems. IT WAS A TOTAL WASTE OF MONEY AND TIME - THEY DOCTOR I INITIALLY SAW (WHO IS THE ONE THAT DRIVES ALL THE TESTING AND REFERRALS ADMITTED THAT HE KNEW NOTHING ABOUT AUTONOMIC PROBLEMS AND SAID THAT THEY WOULD PROBABLY NOT FIND OUT WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME AT OUR FIRST VISIT AND HIS SECOND SENTENCE!!!). I should have known to get up and leave at that point and time, but knew that once they did the Sweat test and other testing and verified my Autonomic Nervous system was going crazy, they would refer me to the Autonomic Specialists that I WENT UP THERE TO SEE!!! THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!

Good luck finding someone close and if you hear of anyone around here, please please please let me know!!!

tigergirl (as in LSU tigers)

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