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Questions About Florinef!

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Hello All,

Please share your experiences with Florinef with me... the good, bad and the ugly. My doctor wants me to start taking it for my low blood pressure. The additional salt I am adding to my food is not helping and my symptoms are getting worse (fatigue, low BP, fast heart rate, etc.) Someone told me that I needed labwork (aldosterone, renin, potassium and sodium) done before starting this medication, but my doctor didn't order labs. Is it standard to have blood work first? Any opinions/advice appreciated! Thanks!!!


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I was reluctant initially, but it's been a lifesaver for me. I'm on a small dose and it complements the midodrine. But my bp and symptoms have been MUCH more stable. Some recommend starting at a quarter pill and increasing every 1-2 wks until you feel better. I took my bp a lot in the beginning with it, but not so much anymore. Initially I had bloodwork to check potassium, as florinef can deplete it, but no problem for me. I felt a little jittery at first, but no more. I take 3/4 of a pill in the morning. It helps he hold on to salt and fluids, whereas before I would pee it all out. So I really don't have any negatives from it, and I'm VERY sensitive to meds.

Just to give you a sense, before florinef, my bp would go from 70/30 to 160/100 within fifteen minutes. Now it's almost always 100-120/60-80. The only other major change since adding f has been cardiac rehab and a lot of lower body strengthening. the two helped together, as without florinef I felt too lousy to exercise. but i believe the exercise has then helped too.

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My symptoms vary as top whether it's more hypotension or tachycardia-- florinef helps both. I don't know how long I'll be on it. But the difference in my functioning is dramatic and I'm not willing to go back. I was on midodrine alone for six months. it helped, but I was till on a roller coaster. Florinef evened me out. I do worry some about long term effects, but without it I could barely sit up. if my bp started creeping up consistently, I would talk to my doc about lowering the dose. I also take mododrine and wear compression.

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i recently started taking it. it has lowered my HR. My bp wasnt too low before starting (ranging from 105/75 - 115/80) it has lifted my BP a bit, sometimes it is 125/85 or a little higher.

the side effects i noticed are a few mornings after starting it i was tachy waking up, and some days i was tachy-er than usual. but that seems to have settled down. it has done nothing for my standing time before getting dizzy yet....i have only been on it for 2 weeks approx. fingers crossed xx

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In my case, I think it works best with midodrine--neither one alone would do the trick. I still get lightheaded if I'm late with midodrine. It does really make it that I can hold on to salt/fluids. Now when I feel bad, if I drink a lo,t it is much more effective. Before, I would just pee it out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I DID start Florinef 2 weeks ago, and it has been a LIFESAVER! I am on a low-dose (1/2 tab of 0.1 mg), but it has made a HUGE difference, esp. in my energy levels. Pre-Florinef my BP was 80/60 and HR 120-140... post-Florinef BP 90/60 and HR 70-90! I am able to stand for longer periods of time and no longer feel so drained. I have a long way to go, but this has been a terrific start! Thanks for posting and sharing your stories with me!!!

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