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Sick Again, This Is Getting Ridiculous

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I cannot believe this. This is the 4th time I've been ill with a respiratory thing in the past 2 mos. I've had at least 2 stomach bugs as well. I catch every virus that comes by. Every time I'm sick I start with classic POTS symptoms, tachy, chest pain, etc. I need to figure out why my immune system is not doing it's job.

It isn't helping that the air flow in my work building isn't good, our area actually has no air flow unless the A/C is on. Which it isn't because it is cold outside. So the air is a stagnant cesspool of germs that isn't being circulated. I actually went to a medical supply store and bought some of the paper masks to wear over your mouth in the hope that if I wear those at work, I might stop picking stuff up.

So I'm wondering how long my body can keep up with this onslaught of illness. And I'm wondering how to get help figuring out what is causing this. My cardio says, "Don't know what to tell you..."



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Hi Angela,

I have not been repeatedly sick, but can definatly empathize with the feeling of getting sick a lot more than I used to. I am still battling an ear infection I've had over a month now. I had the flu, way back in October, and still have a cough. But I don't know if it was from the flu, or if I had it before. I just don't remember. It seems like when it rains it poors. As for your cardiologist....that is just wrong. Unfortunatly I have heard those same words all to many times. I hope you get some help with this soon. And if you get an answer....please share! Good luck, and feel better soon.

healing hugs


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Guest brianala

Ugh, I'm right there with you. Just on the tail end of a horrible sinus/upper respiratory infection.

Over the past 2.5 weeks I've been out sick from work 3 full days and two half days, dealing with first a stomach bug and now this. I'm on 4 different prescriptions now three times a day to get rid of it.

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Guest tearose

That is terrible to hear. Sorry you are sick again!

Is there any chance you have developed new allergies? Do you use a humidifier?

I was reading about them and learned that the good of them is to keep the air moist in the dry cold of winter, the bad is that they can be a breeding ground for funky respiratory problem causing germs.

get better soon,


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Angela, Im so sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time with "bugs" It seems that when the autonomic system is impaired, it causes your immune system to not work as well. Sara has to be very careful of being around anyone who is sick. She will also catch anything that comes along. The masks are a good idea, in fact I bought her some to wear at the doctors office( a real bad place to be , all those sickies ) and his nurse said it was an excellent idea for Sara to wear those. She hates it because it draws attention to her, which she despises.

Do you have a desk job where you could have one of those small air purifiers next to you? Maybe that would help some.

Hope you are feeling better


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I've been taking zinc lozenges and nasal spray at the very first sign of a bug and managed to nip at least three in the bud, or only be sick for two days instead of ten. I take a lozenge every two hours and apply the zicam nasal gel just as often. It really seems to help. I also seem bug-prone, esp before my period, for some reason. And getting sleep is critical.

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I hear ya! I used to get sick all the time too. A few things that I've done that seem to help prevent illness are:

A) If I go shopping and need to use a cart I always wipe it down with hand sanitizer first and keep using sanitiser often because I tend to touch things alot when shopping. Also keep the paper towel you use to dry your hands in public washrooms and use it to protect your hand when you open the door to leave. Alot of stores now have a garbage can outside the washroom so you can throw it out after you've exited.

B) I use a higher end filter on my furnace, one that catches smaller sized particles of dust/pollen/bacterias etc.

C) I replace my toothbrush often and use a toothbrush holder with a uv light thats designed to kill bacteria and viruses after every brushing. This prevents me from reinfecting myself when I have been sick.

D) Avoid public places as much as possible and especially children who are always sharing illnesses with each-other and everyone else. Of course this is a hard one if you have kids yourself.

E) Don't be afraid to tell people you know not to visit when they are ill. If they still show up wear a mask or let them wear it.

F) Keep on top of allergies and other things that can turn into infections if not properly controlled. Sometimes allergies turn to sinusitis which can lead to repiratory infections etc. Also, watch for signs of yeast infections following antibiotic use. Simply eating yogurt while on antibiotics can help prevent these nasty infections.

Of course none of these is foolproof but I have been really lucky this year and last year...no flus or colds or other infections...... thats a record for me.


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