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Going Back To See Dr. Grubb Feb 16th

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I have an appointment to see Dr. Grubb on Feb 16th. My husband and I will be flying out of Wichita to Columbus, where my sister lives. We'll then drive the 2 hours to Toledo. That in and of itself is scaring me. I haven't flown since '06 and that was before I was dx with POTS. Any suggestions other than plenty of water and salt?

I guess my other issue is I feel like i'm getting worse and i've gone in circles for 2 years now. I know to some people that is not a long time, but i'm to the point that I can't remember what it is like to feel healthy anymore. It's so frustrating. I just feel like maybe we're wasting our money flying up there again. I know Dr. Grubb is kinda the guru guy but has anyone else had helpful experiences at other places? I thought about going to the Cleaveland Clinic but just wasn't sure if they would be much more help. Thanks for letting me vent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. oh i almost forgot!! Anyone by chance going to be there that day???? I always ask!!!

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Good luck at you appointment, and I'll be praying for a smooth flight----no POTS problems on your trip.

I live right around the corner from his office. Well, from what I understand, his office has been moved a few miles away in Perrysburg, Ohio--------still really close. That's one doctor I don't have to travel to see--- :)

I hope you get better control of your symptoms after seeing him.


Maxine :0)

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