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Hello All I'm Back , What A Time For My Family.


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This is the first time I've been up and able to write on here for such a long time , but I've been so ill .

So, lets start at the beginning....................

The pain in my face got worse and worse to the point I could no longer speak at all , I couldnt eat , sleep or do anything much as it kicked off everything else Pots wise and my painkillers didnt touch the face pain .

After the MRI I was reeling in pain and crying , which for someone of my age to do and given the amount of pain I can take was something my family had never seen before............!

So off we went to A & E and after ENT had looked at me and my MRI along came the Maxilo Facial team and lo and behold they didnt know either , BUT the pain was getting worse and worse , so it was put down to sever facial myalgia and injected up between my teeth and my gums .........straight up into my face /cheek ( not an enjoyable thing to have done I can tell you ) :(:(:( but the pain stopped , so off hubby and I went home and sleep ..................ah after 48 hours with constant pain it was heaven. :(

3.17 am I woke up screaming in pain rolling around th bed not knowing what to do again .

The annoying pain that had me crying was now raging and so bad that after 8 hours...........yep..... 8 hours of it I had to drive myself off to hospital as hubby had woken up feeling very unwell and there was no one else ( learn all about this in a few minutes)

This time the hospital was ready for me , but the only way I had found to stop the pain for about 30 seconds was to drink cold water , or rather to slosh it around the right side of my mouth , hold it there until it was warm then swallow it ............all 3 gallons in 8 hours !!!!! so by the time I got to hospital I was now throwing this up as well , screaming , crying and just about ready to strangle the consultant who said 'we've fixed it '

The maxilo facial consultant said he'd never seen someone in such a state ( mmmmmm, thanks mate, you dont look so hot yourself for your age ! ) and this time they would freeze it , good and proper ...........oh , yes did they freeze it ...........with 7 huge syringes of stuff and boy oh, boy did I know all about It.

After then seeing the neurologist , as the right side of my face now has some strange things going on and my right eye is moving slightly ( like flicking about sideways ) , I'm even more unable to walk a straight line ( is that possible she asks? ) and if I close my eyes ............well we all know what happens and its a good job he caught me or I'd be having stitches in the back of my head now .

This Monday coming I'm back up the hospital to see the max-fax again and neuro team , I was due to see them the Monday after the horrendous weekend but they unfortunately gave me some Tegretol to take and I went out cold for 48 hours ...........tottally out cold like I was dead according to hubby dear !!!! quietest I'd been for about a week he said..........cheeck!

Now Mark.

He's had his drivers licence taken away as they think he has that condition where you fall asleep all the time ...........which he hasn't accoring to our own Gp, Mark holds his breath at night and his heart stops for 3-4 minutes at a time but until they can fix that he's not allowed to drive at all .

He was devastated and so upset I didnt know what to say or do and its for 2 YEARS!!!!

So I'm now the designated driver 100% of the time which puts a huge pressure on me and means that if I'm ill the household comes to a total standstill .

Now Mike.

In around 7 weeks time he's 18 years old , mid week ( still unable to speak properly ) I took him and 'upgraded his bike' .....yep he said he didnt know what he wanted for his 18th so I asked if he'd like bigger cc bike ???? which he jumped at so off we went to the shop I bought the last bike from ( now just 6 months old and still sparkling new ) and I got a deal with them for a Peugeot Summit 125 cc in blue and black ( a beast of a bike according to Mike ) which he takes ownership of next Tuesday .

I've organised his 18th party at a place in Plymouth and we're having around 30 -40 people for a banquet of the chinese variety ( as long as I can still eat )

Along with his Oyster Rolex watch his grandfather bought him on the day he was born for this very special day ( If I can get it out of the bank ) and on the day of his birthday his name official changes ( if you know who I am you will know what I'm talking about and the great responsibility this has for Mike ) so today I spent a few ( cough , cough ) pounds on him kitting him out in new designer gear for college ,............jeans, jackets, tee-shirts , tops and a brilliant bright blue scarf , well all I can say is the girls of Plymouth will not know whats hit them when the 'new Mike' hits the streets next week after his designer hair cut , after all with the new special name he has he now has to look the part and not like some scruffy college student ( I'll get 18th birthday photos posted after the 14th March on the photo section )

So in all.............

I've had a really horrible few weeks , we still don't really know whats wrong with my face and I'm still in pain thought not 200% as bad as it was and still unable to open my mouth , eat or talk like my old self ...............dont even ask what hubby says about that :):( I lost 4 kilo in 2 weeks and am now well and truly on my 'shift it for Mikes 18th party.

Marks wandering about the place like man whose only got a few weeks to live not knowing what to do next .........housework dear ???? nice pile of Ironing ????? :(

And Mikes got a grin on him so wide he looks like a Cheshire cat ! says she who's' sitting scoffing a croissant and a cup of coffee with a straw at almost 4:am in the morning ...................ah , yes all well ( not ) back in the crazy household of the jolly old Andrews again ( well as mad as ever or just about )

Keep smiling ...........and have a smile for me to as I'm still unable to !!!!!!AMi xxxxxx

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Wow. I thought I had it rough. How you still are typing is beyond me. I'm sorry that you had such an unpleasant (to say the least) couple of weeks. Give your family my best wishes.

Also, you're in no condition to be driving. There has to be some sort of driving services offered for disabilities, right?

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Poor, Ami...What a load on your plate! Perhaps you need a visit to the Wizard, Oz, that is to see if he can fix you jaw. He helped the Tin Woodsman, right. I do hope that the docs can get your pain under control. Decades ago, my mom had problems with facial myalgia and she was in such pain.

Has Mark been tested for sleep apnea? Would a pace maker help? I didn't think one's heart could stop for 4-5 minutes straight and still go on.

BTW, how is your arm and your little banana friend?

Please feel better. You don't want Mike to have to drive you around on his bike.


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