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Overdone And Trying To Learn To Deal


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;) Hello Everyone,

It has been about 8 months since I posted and feel bad for not keeping in touch. After going through more tests, the doctors have found that my POTS is part of an overactive autoimmune system. You might call it an autoimmune disease but there is no typical name for it (of course). This is causing my body to throw out a lot of antibodies that are attacking my body. They are trying me on Cellcept which is a drug for organ rejection to see if it will slow down my body from creating so many antibodies but they don't feel it will do any good for the POTS. The main thing that got me was the fact that they took me off of my low doze Atenolol (to see about the Cellcept) that made my blood pressure and pulse rate so high that I was having horrible headaches. My heart doctor just two weeks ago put me back on the 25mg of Atenolol but now this week I've noticed that my blood pressure is running 91/66 and my pulse 109 and that is sitting. I can't even get a reading when standing. What I wanted to ask you all is this, I've had a cold this week bad and overdid things with family last week during Christmas, so is my POTS just acting worse now because of the cold and tiredness? All I've been able to do the last 3 days is lay down in the bed. It is funny how you forget as the years go by but I do believe that when we overdo or are sick that it can take a week or two to get back to where you are. One thing for sure is that I am not going to let new doctors mess with my medication anymore. PLEASE let me know what you think. One of the hardest things about this disease is learning to live with it. Happy New Year and thank you!

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So sorry you are having a rough go. I do think you are right in that sometimes we just need to gather back up our reserves after we have been depleted for one reason or another.

I am interested in the auto-immune diagnosis ... do you know what anti-bodies they tested for to arrive at the conclusion?

Hope you feel better soon.


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