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Pain Under Sternum


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I've been having pain underneath my sternum for quite a while. It's almost like a charlie-horse feeling. It lasts for a few seconds to a few minutes. It's beoming more and more frequent. It's too low to be my heart. Anyone else have this? Anyone know what causes it or what it is?

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Hi Hollie-

Does it radiate through to your back, between your shoulder blades? Regardless, it could be gallbladder. I experienced that pain for years, like I wanted to take my bra off as soon as I got home to relieve the pressure. Ask your doc for a HIDA scan. Trust me, you don't want to wait for the REAL pain. Ouch!


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I second Julie on this one! Mine felt like a softball had been wedged under my breastbone! Don't wait for the HIDA scan, if it is below normal, get your gallbladder out. I lived with pain like that for 20+ years until I could eat NOTHING without severe pain. Gallbladder surgery is typically a quick thing, I came home the same day.

A gallbladder attack has been called the closest thing you can have to the pain of an actual heart attack, don't wait.

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Do you think it might be costochondritis? I have that sooo often, and it's really similar to what you're describing. If you google it, maybe you can see if that might be similar to what you're experiencing. I get it whenever I'm stressed, sometimes I get it randomly it seems like. I also get it during POTS episodes and if I cough. I've had a bad attack from it too, where I could barely breathe because my sternum hurt so much, and I ended up at the hosp. That's when they diagnosed me with that---it's supposedly very common. Ib profin gets rid of it completely for me, but some people need something a bit stronger.

Just an idea though, the above posters sound like they have very similar symptoms to what you're having as well. I hope you find out how to stop it!

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