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Thank-you To All....


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I would just like to thank the forum administrator, sponsors, and all of you who post often, and share the trials of this diag we've been given. I don't post here very often, but I do come here daily, and gain so much support from all of you. I don't know what I'd do without this site. Just yesterday I was having IV fluids done and the nurse asked why......I gave her the brief rundown of POTS, and she left with a bewildered look on her face....came back shortly to ask more questions, and I pulled this site up to show her. I'm sure she then went and perused it for herself for awhile, as next time she came to check me she had a look of understanding.

I really wish we could run into more of those looks of understanding.

Peace to you all.


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Thanks for this post. I agree. I am certain that the quality of my life is better because of the posts and research capabilities not only of DINET but also of those who post through DINET's forum. You are all amazing, and I am so thankful for all of you.

Thank you, volunteers, for all the work you contribute to DINET. You are reaching and helping far more people than you could ever imagine. There is no forum as kind, compassionate, and helpful as DINET. You are great moderators. And thanks to all the other volunteers behind the scenes who write and edit newsletters, maintain resource lists, etc. Thank you, thank you.

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I agree, TommyHoney! I've learned so much from everyone here and it always feels like a safe place. Administrators, etc., thank you for making this forum possible. And, Tommy- don't be a stranger :)


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