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Withdrawal From Klonopin


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Well, I made it off the Klonopin. It took five weeks of super-gradual tapering, but I made it off! THe headache is back, like before, and the Inderal does not work as well. I have more shakiness, tingling and insomnia (there just seems to be more to think about now, I did not associate random thoughts to overexcitability.) I am hopeful that there will be a better medication for the headache. I also came off the Estratest and immediately (within a week) lost six pounds! Now my BP is wonky again: 121/101, 97/82, etc. One week to go till I leave for Vanderbilt, this one is going to be the hardest...coming off the Inderal, tachycardia here I come (this morning my HR went from 55 to 117 within the first minute of standing):) . To top it off, I have jury duty :huh:

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Congratulations - I'm glad to hear that you got off the klonopin without any major problems (slowly seems to be the key). Good luck with the other med changes and your trip to Vanderbilt.

Are you up to doing jury duty? Can you be excused on health grounds? It is really not good timing to have to do that whilst juggling meds and testing.


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Hey Jennifer!

Keep up the great work. You are so brave to deal with all of this. I am incredibly proud of you and can't wait to hear how things go at Vandy! I agree with Flop. On medical grounds, you NEED to be excused. Keep us posted on your progress.


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Thanks guys,

I was so afraid of protracted withdrawal after everything I read on the web! It was not, and is not, easy; my head HURTS!!!!! I am hoping that they will dismiss me from jury duty since I have an appointment at Vandy in a week and can't serve for longer than this week. But if I can't work because of the tremor (since I have to come off the beta blocker) I might as well do my "civic duty."

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I think that it is admirable that you are considering taking part in jury duty. However if you are not well enough to work then I would have thought that you are not well enough to serve on a jury. After all the people being tried deserve to have a jury that is fully fit and able to weigh up evidence not battling with physical symptoms!

hope all goes well for you - let us know about the jury sevice and Vandy of course!


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flop, I can't work because of the tremor. I am a commercial artist and I do a lot of finely detailed work, so this whole shaky thing is messing me up :) ! As long I just sit there, I should be OK. I think I'll be dismissed after the third trip to the bathroom within the first hour though, so I'm not too worried. I only get brainfog if I have to stand there, so there won't be a travesty of justice as long as I am seated. ;)

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I'm supposed to be weaning off of Klonopin soon, and I've been on it for YEARS. I haven't started yet because I've had to play with some of my other meds and I don't want to do too much at once, but I am a bit terrified of the process. When I get around to it, I may ask you about more details, if you're willing to share.


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I'm supposed to be weaning off of Klonopin soon, and I've been on it for YEARS. I haven't started yet because I've had to play with some of my other meds and I don't want to do too much at once, but I am a bit terrified of the process. When I get around to it, I may ask you about more details, if you're willing to share.


Certainly! B)

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