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I Saw A Psychiatrist And Got Prescribed Lexapro


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What's funny is when i walked in he asked me if i was depressed I said no. He is like were you ever depressed I was like no, because I simply don't get depressed but explained those chemically induced panic attacks that happen even tho I'm calm as they are happening so I don't really "Panic" he prescribed me Lexapro a ssri don't know why but whatever....... I told him I'm currently taking valium and have not had a panic attack since but let's go ahead and hook me up to an antidepressant. :)

Anyone know why he would prescribe an antidepressant to someone who is not depressed? Who knows maybe it will help he doesn't know jack about dysautonomia tried to explain it to him he just kept talking about adult and child brains and how panic disorders occur when they are changing sometimes temporary sometimes longterm.

Any comments I'm actually finding humor in this not pissed at all :P

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hey john,

are you still on your beta blocker? i see you have one listed under your meds - metoprolol. looks like you are on a low dose, but beta's can cause breathing issues. generally though it is with a lot higher dosaging than what you are on (if you are on it).

why did you go see a psychiatrist? did your doc refer you to one because of the breathing issues/chemically induced panic?

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I've mentioned all of this to you before, John. You remind me so much of my son! Forgive the repeats:-) I actually think you are on the right med, for the wrong reason. Like Ernie, my son's dysautonomia doc also put him on Leaxapro, not for depression- but to treat his OI.

I hear that you're not experiencing syncope, my son didn't think he was either. He just felt panicked and lightheaded alot. He was DXed with neurally mediated hypotension NMH, which means his BP was dropping out after standing still for long periods. As I recall, you recently mentioned (since you'd been running) that your BP was also starting to drop when you stand. Have you had a formal TTT? I suspect that you may also have NMH/NCS.

As an explanation for the anxiety caused by NMH, Dr. Peter Rowe at Johns Hopkins said that even before my son's BP began to drop, he intuitively knew it was going to bottom out and lots of adrenaline was released in his body- causing the anxiety. The lexapro was a huge help in counteracting that. But, it was only helpful in that it was done in combination with other meds/changes (florinef, salt, fluid loading) to treat the underlying low blood volume. Have you tried florinef?

I also recall that you are very thin (so was my son.) One side effect of the lexapro is an increased gastric capacity. My son was often nauseous and had difficulty eating because his dysautonomia affected his GI tract. The lexapro caused him to be hungrier and helped him eat more.

Your psychiatrist clearly doesn't have a clue about dysautonomis, I hope your other docs are better informed.



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Yeah he prescribed it because he said I have "panic" he said it's better for treating "panic" then benzo's like valium. I'm still gonna take valium tho, I don't have breathing problems, in fact my lung capacity is larger then the average person my lungs are also "longer". Even tho I smoke........ which I'm quitting set my date the day of my appointment with the neurologist October 22nd. ohh, and i don't feel light headed when is stand even if i get up really fast. but when i was on the TTT I got really light headed.

And yes when i used to stand my blood pressure used to rise dramatically, same with pulse. After I've been running it has been dropping when i stand and my hr is not as bad as it used to be. Yes, I've had a ttt and it showed that my pulse and blood pressure went up have not had one since i started valium and metoprolol. I don't think I can take florinef because something I have noticed which I did not have before is when I'm sitting sometimes I get hypertension and mostly prehypertension now.

Well I guess I'm gonna start, I've been eating a lot since i started valium it makes me hungry also gives me looooots of energy. before that i did not do anything, but sit or lay down all day.

I'm gonna give it a shot and see what happens. it takes 2 weeks to get into full effect so let's see what happens.

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SSRI'S are prescribed to treat a whole range of diseases and disorders beyond depression e.g. pain related issues. And it would appear they work well for some people.

I read a fascinating article once by a leading brain researcher (sorry I can't put my finger on it this morning) but it said something like there is no scientific evidence for seratonin brain depletion. And that they found (from autopsy) that SSRI'S actually caused new brain cells to grow and that it was this reason people improved from a variety of ailments. Bottom line was they did help some people ... but for different bio-chemical reasons than we might expect.

When I receive a diagnosis or recommendation from a specialist that I disagree with I try and get a second doctor's opinion.

Good luck finding something that works for you.


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I thought of something else. When my son first began taking SSRI's; he had a horrible reaction. He took the smallest possible dose and within a half hour of taking it, he would be become severely lightheaded, had to lie down, couldn't tolerate any light, and even vomited a few times. His PT at the time surmised that he was so low in serotonin that his body "freaked out" with the sudden addition. He kept it up and slowly titrated to a beneficial dosage, but it was rough going at the beginning. I don't want to scare you, but just warn you that you may not feel well initially.

Sticking with the lexapro has been a godsend in the long run. My son never experiences anxiety now, and it even gives him extra energy. He has learned to take it in the AM as it prevents him from sleeping.

Let us know how it goes for you.


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I thought of something else. When my son first began taking SSRI's; he had a horrible reaction. He took the smallest possible dose and within a half hour of taking it, he would be become severely lightheaded, had to lie down, couldn't tolerate any light, and even vomited a few times. His PT at the time surmised that he was so low in serotonin that his body "freaked out" with the sudden addition. He kept it up and slowly titrated to a beneficial dosage, but it was rough going at the beginning. I don't want to scare you, but just warn you that you may not feel well initially.

Sticking with the lexapro has been a godsend in the long run. My son never experiences anxiety now, and it even gives him extra energy. He has learned to take it in the AM as it prevents him from sleeping.

Let us know how it goes for you.


All I know is i took it at 10:00am first time and got passed out until 3pm which is weird...... I'm usually a night owl so it could have been that but have not noticed any other symptoms I will see what continues to happen :ph34r:

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My docs tell me Lexapro is a very good drug because it has the least amount of side-effects with the least amount of people having those side-effects. So it is a very safe drug, supposedly the least addictive, and is basically handed out like candy these days because it is thought so highly of. So that's probably why he didn't hesitate to give it to you---anti-depressants can treat all kinds of things, not just depression, so he probably thought that you had nothing to lose to try it. That's also why he didn't do any tests before hand, none of my doctors needed to while trying to put me on it. It does nothing for me though, so I turn down every doctor who tries to get me on it. Lexapro is in the same family as Celexa, and doctors like them both, just fyi.

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Ok, now i got bad headache started reading side effects and came across the withdrawal side effects, I don't like those they apparently last for 2 years and in rare cases result in cardiac arrest and other things. I think I am quitting the drug until i see the neuro since I have only been on it 2 days i should not have a problem.

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Hi John,

Be sure and check out your source of information on the web. Lots of folks with agendas propagandize information and present it as factual. I found the site you've been perusing- no wonder you're hypertensive!

Seriously, I hope you're feeling better. High BP is no joke and Lexapro may not be the best med for you if this is truly a side effect for you. My son also had dramatic side effects initially, that levelled off after a week or so. Lexapro has since provided much benefit to him with little or no side effects once he acclimated.

I hope you're talking with your psychiatrist and letting him/her guide you in your decision making. Let us know how you're feeling.

Best of Luck-


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My docs had me taper off Lexapro just to be safe but they said that withdrawal from Lexapro isn't as bad as other drugs.

Paxil on the other hand, I'm having so much trouble getting off of it.

I'm not sure why you're having so much trouble with Lexapro...you should talk to a doctor about it over the phone---can't always trust the internet. You might just be extremely sensitive to it or perhaps that family of drugs just isn't for you--maybe you're part of the small percentages that have trouble with it.

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what does increased gastric capacity mean? i take lexapro, and have loose stools, everyday.

I've mentioned all

of this to you before, John. You remind me so much of my son! Forgive the repeats:-) I actually think you are on the right med, for the wrong reason. Like Ernie, my son's dysautonomia doc also put him on Leaxapro, not for depression- but to treat his OI.

I hear that you're not experiencing syncope, my son didn't think he was either. He just felt panicked and lightheaded alot. He was DXed with neurally mediated hypotension NMH, which means his BP was dropping out after standing still for long periods. As I recall, you recently mentioned (since you'd been running) that your BP was also starting to drop when you stand. Have you had a formal TTT? I suspect that you may also have NMH/NCS.

As an explanation for the anxiety caused by NMH, Dr. Peter Rowe at Johns Hopkins said that even before my son's BP began to drop, he intuitively knew it was going to bottom out and lots of adrenaline was released in his body- causing the anxiety. The lexapro was a huge help in counteracting that. But, it was only helpful in that it was done in combination with other meds/changes (florinef, salt, fluid loading) to treat the underlying low blood volume. Have you tried florinef?

I also recall that you are very thin (so was my son.) One side effect of the lexapro is an increased gastric capacity. My son was often nauseous and had difficulty eating because his dysautonomia affected his GI tract. The lexapro caused him to be hungrier and helped him eat more.

Your psychiatrist clearly doesn't have a clue about dysautonomis, I hope your other docs are better informed.



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increased gastric capacity = stomach able to handle being more full (aka can fit more food/ fluid in stomach at one time)

hope this helps,

:D melissa

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Yeah, I don't think you need to worry about any serious withdrawl affects etc. I think what you are finding infowise not accurate. I would talk to your dr. if you still have questions.

I had issues with Lexapro, it maybe that you would do better on another SSRI, or SSRI's may not be for you. As far as feeling cruddy the first few days to a couple weeks on a new med is not abnormal for most of us. For me I tend to start on meds very hypotensive and eventually my body adjusts and I see positive results. But, if you feel very bad then make sure to talk to your dr. to make sure it is within "normal" limits side effect wise or if you need to titrate off of it. Also, remember with all these meds you need to be careful and titrate off of them and not stop cold turkey.

How is it going now?

Good luck! :blink:

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