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My dr. wanted me to try cipro for a UTI. I was afraid to take it because of the side effects listed (1.could cause cardiovascular collapse,2. tell your dr. if you have a nervous system disorder or heart problems).

Well, he talked me into taking it. I took it one day and that night I thought I was dying! I had chest pressure and pain, trouble breathing, racing and pounding heart (worse than ever). I've had POTS for 15 years and I really thought I might die that night. Needless to say I didn't take any more but I felt very bad and POTsy for 3 or 4 days.

I got my dr. to switch me to a different antibiotic, which I had to adjust to (I skipped a day between the Cipro and starting the new one).

I am so tired of having these over the top horrible reactions to medicines. I always dread when I start a new one cause I never know how I will react. Some other meds I've had bad reactions to were Zoloft and Singulair.

Now, I'm not sure the last antibiotic took care of the infection. I've taken Bactrim, Cipro, and Doxycycline. What else is left? They won't give me Pennicillan because I broke out in hives one time the day after I finished a 10 day course of them.

Sorry to vent, I'm just so frustrated!

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I hope they did a culture so they could tell what the infection may not react to. I've had that happen - a simple urine test showed I had a UTI but the antibiotics didn't fix it until the culture came back and we could target the "right" antibiotic.

Good luck!

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I completely understand your frustration. Just recently, Sara was prescribed a sulfa drug for a UTI also. She had a bad reaction too. She called me after she had taken her first dose before bedtime, and was panicing. Terrible itching, chest pain, shortness of breath, etc. Needless to say, benedryl was next on our agenda. We called the doc and he changed her over to another med.... The frustration never ends when you are dealing with the problems facing everyone on this forum. Hope you are feeling much better by now.. Hugs and healing thoughts coming your way.. Susan <_<

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i am NOT writing this to in any way minimize or discount all of you who have dealt with nasty reactions to cipro, other sulfa meds, or anything else for that matter. i just wanted to chime in so that, in case someone does a search on "cipro" down the road, they can see that not everyone has a bad experience and/ or that, despite nasty reactions, there are times in which docs/ patients may have to decide between weathering horribly unpleasant symptoms & not treating an infection that is life-threatening, such that the obvious choice would be to take the antibiotic.

thankfully i haven't had any bad reactions to cipro or any of the sulfa antibiotics, taken orally, via my J tube, or intravenously MANY times over the years (for those who don't know i have a pretty crazy history of serious & quantifiable infections). generally speaking i'm not one that has a lot of trouble reacting to meds, antibiotics or otherwise. the last time i was on an antibiotic in the penicillin family, however, i started to break out in hives corresponding to my thrice daily dosing (intravenously). that said, i had a quantifiable infection in my blood stream that, via cultures, was shown to be resistant or otherwise untreatable by anything else. as such my infectious disease doc decided that we didn't really have any options, and also told me that i probably shouldn't add the med to my allergy list, b/c we'd hate for someone not to give me something i'd need in the midst of an infection that might be life-threatening. obviously my situation was/ is unique, and most people won't be dealing with systemic infections in the blood stream in combination with resistance to a good number of antibiotic options, but i still wanted to put it out there.

all in all, while it's a good idea to be cautious & an EXCELLENT idea to not take antibiotics of any type unnecessarily, i also don't want people to be scared to the point that they refuse to take something that might be crucial to their health, or in extreme cases even survival.

off my soapbox....

B) melissa

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