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Bp & Chest Pain

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I will see Dr. Paula Moore in Birmingham on 8/7 and hope to have official answers and diagnoses then, but I wanted to pick your brains. It's hard to wait to learn. I have noticed that I pant and have palpitations (is this tachy) when I am doing just regular housework. I have taken my bp while I continued to walk around at the same pace. A little while ago I checked it while I was walking and it was 165/115 with HR of 118. Anyway, last night it was 153/110 with HR of 115 while I was walking. (Average has been around 115/75 lately.) About three minutes after sitting down & reclined, my BP went to 106/67 with HR of 82. Then I stood up and it was 137/93 with HR of 105. Do the walking BP & HR numbers sound kinda high? What does the pattern of change sound like?

One of my concerns is that my chest is tight and yes, painful dead center and a little above with my usual walking around. I have noticed that stress really makes my chest tighter, also.....whether I am sitting still or walking.

Thanks for letting me ask these questions. I feel I have a new world of friends out there that understand so much more than anyone I am around. I really appreciate you guys. Thank you for sharing on this board!

Michelle F.

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Hi Michelle,

I'd be concerned about your BP being that high. Especially the diastolic (the lower number) being above 100. If it goes that high again, maybe you should lie down and recheck it to see that it goes down. Be sure to mention to your doctor that it is going that high. If it goes up and stays up (does not come down with rest), you should have it checked right away at ER.


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Thanks for your responses.

About 2 years ago, I told my neuro and pcp that my diastolic number was starting to go up. I was 120/70 regularly until then. It started inching toward 80 on bottom and I became symptomatic of hypertension. Doc prescribed lisinopril on top of maxide (diuretic) I was taking for Meniere's. About 6 mo. ago, I started having low BP and was brought off both of the meds. Since then, my BP has been up and down and I can't find a lot of consistency. I hope to learn more this week. On the TTT, my BP went to 70/40 with HR 47 until I fainted. But at home, my BP & HR go low while lying down, BP & HR go up while standing up. Do you think it sounds like I have POTS and NCS?

I'm on no meds right now. Since the only official dx I know neuro has given me is ANS dysfunction, if I were to go to ER, I wouldn't know what meds to allow them to give me. I guess, based on my limited knowledge, I would have to trust them. Maybe nothing like that will happen before B'ham on Thursday. Susan- I'll post my experience.

I've also thought it seems like I have tachy and brady moments..usually brady while lying and tachy while moving around. Guess that's consistent with ANS dysfunction....as well as any number of possible heart conditions?

Thanks much!

Michelle F.

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During an NCS event the BP rises supine. IE when they" tilt down" the event passes. I can abort a faint-every time- if I lay down. I am talking about during an event tho. Anyones BP would lower during rest. I'm pretty sure NCS is defined as lowered heart rate and BP. Which you did show. However depending on how high your HR and BP went you may have had an appropriate response.

My NCS would never allow BP like you posted on the topic starter. I would out cold before it got that high. What I'm trying to say is- If you were high during the TTT the same oversensitive response I have ,could have been a normal one in your case.

I am not an expert- just my opinion.

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I can't really shed much light (except that what you describe does sound very typical for POTS) but if you find out what causes your chest pain, come back and share!!! I have chest pain during "bad times" that feels exactly like I've been holding my breath for a long time (like how I used to feel as a child the day after I spent a day swimming). It's very painful and uncomfortable, but no docs have been able to either tell me why this happens or what I might do to relieve it.

good luck with your new doc!!


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Guest tearose

Yes, those heart rate numbers look like numbers for POTS. I don't have that high spikes in bp though.

It is good to have your concerns checked out so you know how to handle your pains.

Some you will learn how to manage, some you can ignore and some may need treatment.


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I have read somewhere, and don't quote me on this, that the chest pain may be due to an "over-contraction" of the heart muscle when your HR rises that fast. Too much blood is squeezed from the heart, and then it refills. I don't remember where I read it, but mine only happens when I am tachy. I can go from tachy to brady and back just by lying down and standing up. Once my heart rate hit 136 after cleaning two sinks and three mirrors! Inderal has been almost a miracle drug for me. I can walk now, without feeling like my heart is going to thump out of my chest. My BP and HR also look like yours, and my neuro has said ANS dysfunction, still waiting on the POTS dx. Let us all know how your trip to Bham goes, I don't live too far from there.


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If this was a court case, I'd already have been convicted on circumstantial evidence: 30+ bpm increase from supine to standing, narrowing of the pulse pressure, excessive heart rate response to exercise (180bpm), frequent grey-outs, fatigue, constant headache, polyuria, tremor, excessive hand and feet sweating....

BUT....I have not had a tilt table test and none of my doctors will make the call and diagnose this as POTS. They are waiting for someone who know what they are looking at to give the "official" dx. I have some other endocrine issues that are complicating things as well: possible diabetes insipidus, possible hypogonadism, anti-thyroid anti-bodies, galactorrhea (still lactating after 9 years.) I've had two MRI's and a CAT scan but no tumor, I'd have been willing to bet money that it was a pituitary tumor before Christmas.

My problem is that I believe that I have always had POTS, and the endocrine issues have slowly gotten worse since the birth of my last child six years ago, but the tremor and numbness/tingling, and previous hallucinations (thank GOD I don't have those anymore) are new.

I see Dr. Biaggioni at Vanderbilt in November and we are all waiting, and hoping, that all this will be obvious and clear-cut to him.


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