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Anyone With High Blood Pressure And Pots... How Do You Follow High Sodium Diet??

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Hi everyone!

I am new to forum so I have so many questions (sorry!) I was wondering.. so many people here seem to have low bp and follow a high salt diet.... I have high BP and I am not so sure a high sodium diet will be advisable for me, especially with all my fluid retention.

does anyone else with pots/oi have high bp or i am just a medical enigma?? (hence the name due to drs and myself never being able to figure out my strange symptoms)



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Many here have both high and low bp, I'm one of them. Think of the group of disorders as unregulated BP, not low bp alone. Same goes with heart rates.


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When I'm experiencing an episode of intense symptoms I almost always have high bp instead of low. My doctor told me that tachycardia can be a body's response to low bp, and that in my case it isn't, therefore there was no reason for me to eat a high-salt diet. I don't try to increase my salt intake. Before my diagnosis I had a very low salt intake, and now I have an average one. I do however take magnesium supplements which seem to help a lot, and since my bp tends to run high I don't have to worry about the super-low bp side-effect that some people get with magnesium.

Did your doc tell you to increase salt even with the high bp?


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I had high bp for about 8 years before I got pots. I think this is why I have only passed out one time - my bp just doesn't drop low enough for me to faint. I do the high salt diet and the florinef to increase my blood volume and take beta blocker to control my hr and bp. It is a fine balance and sometimes things still get out of whack!

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