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Changes At Work Are Sending Me Into A Crash...

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My department, in fact my entire building, and the division that we are a part of is being reorganized by our company. As a part of the reorganizations, many, many changes have happened, many of them very suddenly. And, recently, management has taken the liberty of reducing staff and telling us "well you'll just have to do more with less". They are pushing me into a crash, I can feel it. I was doing better for so long, and had actually just gotten the ok to go back to full time hours, and just this past week I have been SO symptomatic, it's been awful. Some of you may have seen my previous post about my unexpected reaction to an unpleasant email, I nearly blacked out on the spot, and I have been having the "dizzies" and the awful headaches that go with the dizzies. The fatigue is worse and the shakiness is worse, and in the past few days I've been having really bad digestive issues, ranging from severe nausea to diarrhea (sorry if TMI) to stomach cramps but not being able to go... it is horrible. I want so badly to tell my superiors that what they're doing is harming me, but I'm afraid that they'll basically tell me that if I can't handle it then I shouldn't be working. I can't afford to live on the disability that they pay (1. because it is only a fraction of my regular wage, and 2. because I'd have to wait a month before getting paid anything, and I can't live for a month without income at this point- I've got DOCTOR bills to pay!)... I've tried to apply for other positions within the company, but have basically been told by our HR department that I won't be allowed to move during this "transitional period". So, I'm stuck. And they're killing me. At least that is how it feels.

Not looking for anything here, just wanted to vent more than anything, but hugs are always appreciated. I'm so glad I can come here and let it all out because nobody else really understands what it is like, but you guys do.

Mary :D

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