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Everything posted by ode_to_fantasy

  1. I often dream that I pass out, and wake up feeling like I have. Do you think that maybe I'm just imagining it because I faint so often, or is it possible to faint lying down? I think I read somewhere that it IS possible, but my doctor doesn't think it is.
  2. It took me about a month and a half to get used to Toprol XL, and it still knocks me out sometimes, and I've been on it for about 4 months now...but I don't think it's right for me. Hope you start to feel better soon!
  3. How low is too low for blood pressure? I was told to contact my dr when my systolic pressure went below 100, so I did...then they said when it went below 90...so I did...but they don't seem to concerned about it. My bp last night was 79/30 (and I'm a pretty big girl) Can anyone tell me what a too-low number would be? ~Sara
  4. I get really bad leg cramps too, and I've found a homeopathic (sp?) treatment at a grocery store (of all places) it was just called "Leg Cramps, with Quinine" I don't really know much about it, but my pharmacist says it's safe, and I know it takes the edge off of the cramps for me, though they definitely don't go away.
  5. I get this all the time too, and I've been wondering the same thing...
  6. I get the same thing, and I sympathize. Eeek, I'm sorry. I haven't gotten it in a while, but every few months, it comes back. My doctor says I normally get it around my time of the month because of the hormone imbalance, but he was startled by the sheer amount of the sores and such. My doctor prescribed Valtrex(I think, whatever the herpes medication is), because canker sores are a form of herpes? I don't know whether or not it helped, because mine normally go away after about 7 days...so I don't know if it was the medication, or they just went away on their own. There's also a medication that mothers give teething babies, and it numbs the pain, if you want to ask about that. *hug* I'm so sorry that you're in pain.
  7. I've been getting these intense muscle(I think) spasms in my throat these past few days. Well, I've been getting the spasms all over, but I think they're the most intense (or maybe just the most painful) in my throat. It's making it hard to swallow and I can barely talk without it feeling like my throat is tired. I've never had this sensation before. Is this normal? I figure I'm probably just dehydrated as usual, but I'm ALWAYS dehydrated, and I've never experienced this before.
  8. Does anyone know of any treatments besides Meclizine (Antivert) for Vertigo? My Meclizine is starting to make me pass out much more often recently, and it's kinda silly to replace Vertigo with Passing out. heh.
  9. I think it's just POTS, because I'm not on that many meds and I've had this for as long as I can remember. I was told its from my muscles not getting enough oxygen. Let me know if you find anything that helps!
  10. Dionna, I don't drive...I'm not allowed to because I pass out so much. My husband actually works at the same company I do, and he drives. It's an awesome situation. But there are busses and such normally? I dont' know. I know it ***** because I live within a mile of my work, but I couldn't walk or ride a bike, because being in Florida it's insanely hot outside, and heat makes me pass out within minutes. Good luck with your job hunting!
  11. I started working at a warehouse about 2 years ago, and when I got hired I told my boss that I pass out sometimes and to not call 911 because it was normal. For about a year, I only totally fell out like 2-3 times. Then my NCS started getting worse and worse. Pretty soon I couldn't go an hour without blacking out, then like every 10 minutes (it was mostly only momentary). I kept talking to my boss, because I was having to leave all the time because I was too sick to work, or I had to go to the doctor, and I was scared I was going to get fired. My boss wanted to help, so he offered me a position in the office (which blessedly has AC) sitting in front of a computer all day (and getting a big raise!). I have a fan, AC, and people to keep an eye on me if I pass out and make sure I don't hurt myself and such, and I can make my own hours. That way I can go home if I feel too bad. Anyways, I hope this is encouraging. It's quite daunting to try to get a job when you faint all the time. Thankfully, I found one that's amazing.
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