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Posts posted by Cheryl

  1. Welcome.

    I've had trouble with depression for years. It's worse than fatigue because I don't want to do anything. The mood swings are mostly hormonal so it was called PMS.

    When I was diagnosed with POTS, my doctor told me that anti-depressants with SSRI inhibitors (such as prozac) actually help with the POTS, because they even out the chemicals in your brain. Since the POTS diagnosis, I have had little trouble with depression. I don't know if it is coincidence, relief at being able to name the problem, or a little more help from the other meds I'm taking now.

    It's quite possible that your mood swings are POTS. See what your doctor has to say.

  2. Hello everyone. I've been lurking for a while and thought it was time to say thank you to everyone on this forum.

    I think that I may have had a mild version of POTS for years, but when I got short of breath going DOWN stairs, I couldn't just pass it off as needing more exercise, better diet, etc. After a round of tests showed that my "plumbing" was OK, my ex-doctor tells me that everything is fine, and I'll never know what causes the symptoms, and stop wasting the insurance company's money. I tried telling her that just because the plumbing works, it doesn't mean that the control systems do, but she wasn't interested in anything I had to say.

    I do have to thank her though, she got me mad enough to do my own research. Thank you a million times for this site. I stumbled into it somehow & found out what my problem was. I also found a doctor that is helping me through this site.

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