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Posts posted by nadine

  1. Thinking of you and praying for you. I hope they figure this out and these fevers resolve soon, without the hospital return- but you are correct you do what you is necessary.

    I am glad to hear that you had the brief opportunity to get out a bit before this. How wonderful it can feel, just to get a haircut. I am lucky to have a hairdresser who comes to me most of the time, but it is wonderful to have the special treat of going to her when I can.

    So frustrating to have the occasional better day, only to follow by more challanges!!

    Hang in there=== :)

  2. Too cute and funny. This is quite the extended family!! Love the car photo--

    I am reading this and thinking --they actually went to a barn sale and purchased goats and sheep!! In my area a barn sale would be just your basic yard sale with some special treasures for someone, but not actual barn animals!! LOL.

    Guess there may be a difference in barn sale and sale barn. LOL

  3. Rest and try and stay cooll!! I am sure that Wilbur is well aware that something is up with Mom and that is why he is all over you. These animals of ours always know when something is up and want to check everything out!!

    Take care and I hope that coffee does the trick for you---- :o

  4. I get the same feeling from clothing, as mentioned. I now wear clothing that I said I wouldn't be caught dead in!! Not that fashion was ever really important to me, but I always said I didn't want to dress like my grandmother. The sad thing is most of the older women I know can wear clothing with a lot more style than I can! It is all about comfort for me and Easy on and off--- and not for a fun reason, if you know what I mean! :) Sorry, need some humor somewhere. Elastic and stretch fabrics , flat comfy shoes, pockets, and layers- all necessary for me.

  5. Linda-

    Sorry about your disappointing trip. I just wanted to say that I tried cardio rehab about a year into my NCS and it was very difficult for me. My medical condition is far worse since then, as I am pretty much homebound and unable to work or drive. I was willing to try anything at that point, but it was a lot of treadmill, arm pedal exercises, stationary bike, that kind of thing, could not do the rowing. There is no possible way I could do any of this at this point. I was working at the time and was so stressed trying to get the time out of work to fit the schedule and I was the youngest - at 44. My BP was always low and constantly had to drink more to try and raise it.

    It just doesn't seem that your current health status would make you a great candidate for this, but I may be wrong. I am not sure what type of exercises they would have you doing. I could not do any of the above at this point for sure. Not to mention getting to it.

    I am sure you have done other in home or outpatient PT over the years and know what you can push yourself to as far as limits.

    The good thing about the rehab was having the monitor on the entire time and having it all recorded. That was helpful.

    Stay hopeful---

  6. I recall a very similar experience with one cardiologist I had seen for several visits. He was not experienced in EP and really offered little. He had very similar kind of comments. It is so difficult to find medical providers with knowledge in this area- good luck to you.

  7. Just wanted to welcome you!

    Good luck with your studies. You may want to think about asking for accomodations from your disabilities offfice at your school, if needed. They can be very helpful and the sooner the better, now that you have diagnosis. Perhaps, you will help many others someday with your science studies!!! :)

  8. I also use the Yaz exercises-- found them through a CFIDS link. I was also prescribed water therapy, but therapists said it was not appropriate due to the safety issues as mentioned by Melissa. They would have a group of 4-5 people, not a bad number, but would not allow me in the group with NCS and vestibular balance problems- as they could not provide one on one.

    I do use some of the other suggested exercises as tolerated- have the pedal bike that I can use for legs or arms, but don't tolerate it well- wipes me out. Also use the Yoga in Bed DVD, Qi Gong dvd, simple stretches, use my pedometer to track my steps all day.

  9. I am very sorry for the loss in your family. I know that guilt is something I often feel due to the physical limitations of my illness and feeling like I can't be there for my family-- My husband woke up mother's day in extreme pain and my daughter had to go to the ER with him, as I physically am not capable. The emotions I feel during times like these are varied, but it is mostly anger and guilt for not being there. I am thankful that it was not life threatening and my daughter called me with updates, but I was feeling like I was the wife who should be there. I must say that I knew I would cause more worry for him, if I had gone. As a matter of fact he told the ER doc that he had things to do-- was going to plant flowers for me, etc. He felt guilt about ruining my mother's day!!! Seriously.

    I think we just have to do the best we can and I am sure your husband knows how you feel and would be worried about you and your ability to travel as well trying to get all the passports, etc. Perhaps, this will be a very special time for father and son in this difficult time.

    Thinking of you ======

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