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Posts posted by nadine

  1. Jacquie-

    Glad things are going well on your new med-so far so good!!! :)

    For anyone-

    I have a question about the goosebump comments. I have this all the time, as well as overheating, hard to describe-but def. dift than my normal hot flashes.

    The question is -are those of you who are experiencing this all on Midodrine, because I am not? I assumed it was part of the craziness of all the other odd symptoms??

  2. I need to ask a really stupid, I guess, question here. Why do so many of you get so many tilts?

    I've had one, it showed a problem, I don't see any reason to get any more. If the meds help, you don't need it. If the meds don't help, you know it's going to still be positive. So I'm a little confused by the fact that some people have had so many. morgan

    Thank you Morgan for your comment. I was also wondering why people are having more than one, esp. more than two!! I have to say my TTT was very unpleasant and have no desire to ever repeat it.

    I was gone in less than 4 mins. and they were scrambling to get MD in there. I could feel myself going instantly, once I was upright and that was all i remember,other than saying -"you're still with me right?"

    I have no regret for doing this however, as scary as it was at the time. I knew I was at a Heart Institute and had faith I would be ok. I had read all the info, but just didn't really expect to go that quick. I did recover within a few minutes and was sent for additional testing. Nuclear imaging, instead of stress echo.

    I thought the table seemed like something you would have done many years ago, but it certainly worked.

    It is interesting at the time they told me NCS, no one cleary explained autonomic dysfuntion. I had discovered this with time, on my own and with this web site -that was a link from CFIDS. Now, the thought is I have POTS and FMS.

    Anyway, bottom line is TTT was helpful with my diagnosis . Still learning here.

  3. Nadine, if you don't mind me asking, how old were you when you began experiencing menopause symptoms? I honestly feel like I get a lot of the same symptoms but thought it was much too early for this. Maybe I am wrong.



    I am now 45, soon to be 46. I stopped menses completely when I was 40, with excetpion of a couple spotting episodes of unknown cause, one after taking Medrol last summer. But for the most part had very few after age 36. I have always felt that I had a hormone imbalance my entire life, my husband and I joke about it at times. I had horrible menses, with pain, etc. started when I was 10,almost 11,then had infertility problems, used fertility meds for only child. Then when we were trying for years again, but without meds and finally decided to stop, husband sched. for vasectomy - menses suddenly stopped. Went in for testing and found out I was entering menopause.

    When I look back I think- oh, so a lot of what I was feeling in my 30's was most likely perimenopause!! My sister also conceived at the age or 39, just when she was experiencing cycle changes as well and was approx. 20 weeks when she found out she was pregnant! You can have symptoms for years before cycles stop.

    Check with your MD or GYN regarding symptoms, hormone levels--

    Interesting that both myself and daughter have been diagnosed with CFIDS and she feels when she started her menses, her health problems began-she is right!! We have all see articles on this hormone connection, i guess.

  4. I also have the intense dryness and I feel like I have aged 10 years when I look at my skin. I figured it was related to menopause, which I experienced at a rather early age. I was hoping symptoms would get better by this point. I had wondered if my thyroid was off, as my sister and mother both have problems with that,but mine is ok. My eyes, skin, mouth and nose are always dry. I use saline spray a lot for nose, of course drink lots of fluid-as we all do for the bp problems and I use eye drops when real bad. I have stopped wearing my contacts the past year due to illness as I have had extremely dry eyes, but also vertigo, headaches, eye pain,balance probs.

    Use lots of skin lotion.

    So not sure what others have to say--but also wondering if there was some autoimmune factor.

    I debated hormone cream, but was already so sick and having so many side effects, that I didn't try it.

    MD wanted me to try natural progesterone cream-- did purchase,

    may consider at some point. B)

  5. You made me laugh about your doctor telling you to read a good book instead of reading side effects. My doctor would prob. tell me the same. He knows that I am extremely sensitive to meds ,which causes me to worry about what the next reaction will be. I just restarted another med and reaction is much dift. than previous times, very fatigued and more lightheaded. Trying to cope at least a week, before I call him-LOL

  6. Amy-

    I am so sorry that you have so much you are going through right now, especially with the illness your mom is now facing. Somehow, I believe you will find the strength to get you through these most trying times.

    Do you have a close friend, family member (other than mom) or church that can provide you with added emotional support?

    Thinking of you --------

    Arms are reaching to send you a hug

  7. I formerly used a treadmill with CD player and tv going, loved it, but haven't been able to do any exercise of that nature for almost a year. I just focus on moving and stretching, but it is not helping my weight loss. I am going to use a timer and set it to try and build up standing and movement time, and simple exercises. I figure it is helpful with goal setting. On my treadmill, it was fun because I would try to break my time and speed when I could-it was incentive. Now goal is to get to any exercise more than 5 MINS before feeling lousy!!

    I haven't tried the nutrisystem meals, but like the weight watcher meals-not bad.


    I just want to state that I think your weight is very good. I am not a nutritionist, but I am 5'6" give or take and that was my goal weight through weight watchers for my age, etc.

    I would give anything to be anywhere close to that right now. It seems you would be underweight to lose another 10-15 pounds--

  8. Jacquie-

    Seems like your apt. was good for the most part. They are trying meds and following up with you. Lawyer is on top of things and I think it is fantastic that your physician asks "what are you doing for fun?" Some don't

    ask these type of questions,which are important for many reasons. A person may be socially isolated, perhaps depressed, too ill or other stress factors to be enjoying much. It gives them insight, when they ask.

    I agree that it is difficult to have the type of fun we wish we could have- driving, going out, physical activity etc- but I am trying to adjust to keep me sane- music, movies, friends and family over to house-unless I am unable to function at all, reading when I can, a special treat- that I didn't have to make. I have even sent family on a mission to go shopping and suprise me with something, just to make me feel better. I admit that I would prefer to shop myself, but I can't right now-although I am good home shopper. LOL and enjoy surfing the net for items for gifts, etc.. Hopefully will get some from this auction when that comes around!!

    Glad your apt. went fairly well- have a good weekend!! It's going to be hot, so hope you stay cool---

  9. Sunfish-

    I was reading some of the old posts in the Chit-Chat section and came across this post on your brother. You should have every right to be proud, not only of his athletic ability, but also for the amazing individual he must be. I can seen by his answers that he seems bright, funny, spirtitual and a "Family Guy" himself.

    He is exactly the type of young man I would love for my 21 yo old daughter to find!! He would def. fit her interests, too bad he wasn't closer-LOL

    He will make a fine catch indeed.

    What a wonderful family you have from what I have seen in photos and postings.


  10. You should be able to file a complaint through hospital, there is usually a formal procedure. Customer relations supervisor?? Always ask for highest level available as far as supervisor, as you will get dift. info sometimes. Sometimes there is peer review and actions taken, etc. or state agency may help. Not sure how it works there. If your primary is in private practice, you may need to contact a state office regarding this or hospital may be able to direct you. I know in the office I worked in there were formal complaints written by pts, investigated and reported on to a board by site admin. and feedback given to pt.

    I am sure others will have input for you.

  11. I hear your frustration and sadness. I spent the day filling out my SSDI appeal paperwork. I was also denied and it is interesting that the experience was similar. They did not have the past three or four months of paperwork, and their statement about age,education,etc., the same. I think that must be a standard line!!

    Stated I was "severely impaired" and realize I" can not perform work as I have in past, but there is other work available in general economy that I can perform"-

    stated I could sit for 6hrs, and stand 2 hrs. --- not sure who decided that, surely not my physician who I have worked with for 20 YEARS!!!!!!! If I could do that I would have been back to work a year ago!!!

    My former position was mostly desk and computer work, with pt. visits as well-so if one can't do such limited physical activity, what would they suggest???? I do not have the computer skills for in home work, which is about the only thing I could consider at this point. Something from home, when feeling up to it-varies minute to minute. Would not be able to do scheduled work.

    I see that they didn't even use the info I faxed them two days before I received letter at their request------

    Well, I am venting with you and have put off the paperwork for appeal for weeks, because it is such a drain.

    I am aware that this is quite common with applications and both of my physicians agree that I should have been approved.

    We have to somehow get the strength to fight it. My husband also works many jobs and has the added stress of caring for a loved one-then the financial stress this puts on families. I am fortunate that I have disability through work at this point. I was wondering if you would be eligible for any state assistance, dift. from Soc. Sec. I am not sure what your state offers for programs. Applying for assist. is not what any of us want to do, but must do to survive. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!! :(

  12. Glad to hear that you have been in touch with your husband and daughter again. I have been watching the postings to check for your updates. I think it is a good plan to have him try meds while you are all together.

    I hope that you all enjoy your time together and you have a good flight. I will also wish for weather that is

    not too humid and hot for you two!!

    Have fun and I hope that he gets some answers when he returns.

    I have to say that I am with Morgan617 in regards to filing a complaint in regards to hospital and primary care.

    In the mean time, glad you are enjoying your alone time, nothing like having cereal whenever you want it!! :(

  13. anything that causes me to elevate my arms above my chest level, even just a bit, may cause me to be symotomatic. I think the visual floaters are rather common with presyncope, syncope,or even for some people without illness. I know people who get them with light changes or movement, getting up or down. I always say when in doubt,be sure to let your physician know.

  14. Willow-

    I have been thinking and I have decided that I like really like the UK measurment system. Instead of saying I am 40 lbs. over weight. I can be 3 stones away from reaching my goal-give or take!!! Sounds so much better. Thanks for giving me my smile and humor for the day. :):P:D

    You are doing great--

  15. Willows-

    Thanks for responding, I was meaning to look up the "stone" translation for weight.

    Congrats on your great start as well, for both of you!!

    I have much to lose myself, as I have never seen the current number my scale is tipping.

    I also had myself some yogurt and fruit for lunch!!!

  16. Sorry you had such a bad night. I am not sure what causes your stomach to ache, but this happens frequently to me. If I get the nausea too bad, I do take Zofran. I can tell you that over extending will bring on my symptoms and it is sad that over 10 mins of standing or walking in over doing it!!! Very frustrating :angry:

    I have the hot sensation a lot as well, dift from my hot flashes-drives my family crazy as I am constantly opening and closing windows, turning on fans etc, then will feel cold at other times.

    Hang in there and enjoy the good days. I had company two days in a row, which was fantastic, now between being up more and the start of another med I am dragggggggggging today, but hopefully a better day tomorrow. I agee the simple things in life are greatly missed- The good thing is you did get out some.

  17. Conitnued thoughts and prayers for your family as you face the many challenges ahead. I am glad she is home from her surgery and hope she is able to build up some of her strength again before her treatments. It sure must be overwhelming for all of you, as you stated so much has happened since she just learned of the diagnosis. WIshing you the very best and hope we can all help provide you with support you need as well. :angry:

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