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Posts posted by Babettegall

  1. Melissa,

    Please count me in for the Parma meeting! I've been so "out of pocket" lately, I have a bunch to catch up on, and missed the opportunity to attend the 5/21 meeting.

    Anyway, I would really, really like to meet up with those going to Parma in June. Will we have future reminders to help make sure we don't "forget" about this upcoming opportunity to meet?

    Thanks for pulling this together! :ph34r:

  2. Carmen,

    Wowza! That's quite the experience now, isn't it? I'm so sorry to hear about the type of "professional" doctors they have at that particular hospitals ER......... unless it's a minor cold or a stubbed toe, better off just to stay away, wouldn't you agree?

    Hugs to you and your child.......

  3. Sarah,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your frustrations. From all the replys you've received, it's obvious that you're not alone. I just wanted to let you know that I know what you're going through and wish there was somthing I could say or advise you to do to make the situation more bearable, however, I'd be lying to you if I did.

    Brain fog has been one of the most frustrating symptoms I've been dealing with. Having been a successful, educated individual, who now finds typing this response to you very difficult (and timely), it's such a helpless situation to find ourselves in.

    I can't provide you with any steadfast remedy to the exercise or relief from brain fog, but I can provide you with a cyber hug. Wish there was more I could offer.

    My thoughts are with you........


  4. Louise,

    Thank you so much for responding to my post. I live in the Stow area (just outside of Akron) in Ohio. The specialist I saw was part of the Cleveland clinic (Dr. Amer Alshecklee), who, although knowledgable, was pretty quick to diagnose me and send me back to my primary care doctor for treatment. I've noticed so many people saying such nice things about Dr. Grubb, that I may need to seek his care. He must be pretty good if there's a 6-9 month wait to see him.

    Thanks again for your reply!

  5. Hi Kim,

    I'm not 100% sure about the glucose result. 58 is on the low end, however, mine has read even lower than that without affecting my bp. I do believe that some of the symptoms you are experiencing could be caused by low blood sugar, but, I'm not a doctor. I would go ahead and call the office and ask questions. I understand about the medical people not being very responsive to us inquiring, but it IS their job. This coming from a person who also hesitates in asking (but ultimately makes the call).

    Good luck and I hope they give you a better understanding of the results to better put you at ease.

  6. I'm a bit perplexed.

    With having just been diagnosed with POTS last week, nothing had been said to me about what foods to avoid, or what affect my vices have on my POTS.

    Yes, I am a smoker (about a pack a day). As of late, it's about the only thing I'm able to do and do well (lol). Are there others here who also smoke?

    A bunch of the information reads to stay clear of alcohol, due to the interaction it might have/cause with various medications. I like to have a beer from time to time with my husband, however, don't want to create additional issues for myself. Anyone have any advice on this one?

    My PCP has kept me on vicodin to assist in managing the pain I'm experiencing. I take about 4-6 pills a day, depending on how uncomfortable I am. Are there other pain management options available out there to ease the leg, neck, back, arm pain associated with POTS?

    Anything you can offer (what works as well as what doesn't work) is appreicated!

  7. Congratulations, Mom!

    Any names picked out yet? Just take the rest of the pregnancy easy..... before you know it, the entire expereince will be behind you and then the real "fun" begins! I have two daughters (17 & 19), whom have grown into beautiful young ladies. I never for a moment thought that I would have the wonderful relationship with the both of them that I have. I wouldn't trade them or the parenting experience for the world.

    If you ever need a "sitter", let me know! lol


  8. Whoo Hoo! Good for you! You sound like the hair cut was much needed and just the remedy to help raise your spirits! Sometimes it's the "little things" in life, isn't it?

    I was so surprised to read the responses from everyone who mentioned their choice of attire (pj's). Why, that's my choice too! I thought I was just being lazy when I wouldn't bother to go and iron a pair of pants, get dressed, do my hair, only to sit in the house all day. I do believe I've found just the right group of "friends".........bless you all! :P

  9. Hi Lisa,

    Nice to meet you! I'm a 37 year old mother of 2 (girls ages 19 & 17), and the wife of a very special man. We live about two hours north of Columbus, in Stow. Moved to Ohio back in 2000, which is when all my symptoms began. I just got my pots dx last week, so the whole thing is very new to me (not living with it, just finally having a name for it).

    I've been working as a supervisor for the past couple of years at a large organization, however, have utilized the FMLA available since January 3rd. I hit the wall, crashed and burned with my symptoms. My employer has been pretty understanding, however, due to the nature of the business, it won't be long before they will be counting the days when they can replace me. I really enjoy my job, and hate the thought of sitting idle. My family has been very supportive and constantly telling me that I need to start taking care of me, which is what I'm doing right now. I'll let the whole job thing play itself out and worry about ssi or other forms of income when I get through this "episode".

    I can't begin to express how much it means to me to know that there are others out there who can truly relate to what I'm going through. It's nice to not have to always burden family with my day to day difficulties/complaints.

    I wish you well and pray that we all find ourselves enjoying more "normal" days than not.


  10. Good morning!

    I too have legs that feel so heavy that it's like trying to walk through quick sand just to take a step. I haven't found anything that works as a relief when this happens..... just seems to take longer to get where I need to go (even if it's into another room in the house). Hang in there, you're not alone!

  11. Welcome. A homeopath could be helpful, but why not a specialist in autonomic dysfunction? An electrophysiologist is where I would start--can your doctor refer you to one? My experience with alternative medicine was not very positive (although I still believe there is a place for it in modern medicine.) I saw a homeopath, but she knew nothing about my diagnosis and prescribed herbal remedies that were counter to what I needed (e.g.diuretics), so please be careful if you do see one.

    Glad you found us, and again welcome!



    Thank you for the warm welcome! Once I get the hang of this forume and how to properly respond to messages, you'll see me often. With respect to your asking why I didn't seek an autonomic specialist, well, I have seen him, who stated that there isn't any prescription medication that would help me at this time. He simply said to try to "make the best of it", when I can. A cardiologist said that I have syncope as well, and need to increase my sodium, which i've been doing for a while now. Does it really boil down to managing the symptoms and taking it day to day?

    Hi Babs,

    Welcome to the forum! :(

    I can't really answer any of your questions since I don't work, and have never seen a homeopath, but I'm sure there are people who can answer you. I just wanted to pop in though and wish you well.



    Thanks Lauren! I appreciate the welcome. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around the forum soon!

    Hiya B)

    Don't dismiss homoeopathy- going holistic can be really good. Especially as conventional medicine offers very few answers for people with what we have. Be prepared to face treatment with an open mind!

    An open mind is about all I have with respect to any potential treatments. I'm going to have to look into some of the options available to me in my area. The last thing I want to do is create more "bad" days for myself, you know?j

    Take care...

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