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Posts posted by Foxyblue

  1. Stressful events, even things that can seem small to others, can set off symptoms for sure.

    That's too bad that the school is not more flexible. Giuliana's school does the same thing, but parents are welcome to park and walk their child in if they prefer. I think there is a valid reason for doing this (meeting the child at the car), based on early childhood education theory/research--it has to do with easing the transition from parent to classroom setting. This is how is was explained to us at orientation. Perhaps after a few days he will be comfortable following the protocol. In the meantime, don't feel badly or defensive about your decision to handle things differently. Is there a teacher you can talk to about your concerns?


    I wish the school were more flexible but they just don't seem to be. I left a message for my son's teacher to call me. I will continue to ease him into it, walking less with him each time but it's so hard to walk past all the dirty looks and just that confrontational atmosphere.

    Thanks for responding!


    Stressful events, even things that can seem small to others, can set off symptoms for sure.

    That's too bad that the school is not more flexible. Giuliana's school does the same thing, but parents are welcome to park and walk their child in if they prefer. I think there is a valid reason for doing this (meeting the child at the car), based on early childhood education theory/research--it has to do with easing the transition from parent to classroom setting. This is how is was explained to us at orientation. Perhaps after a few days he will be comfortable following the protocol. In the meantime, don't feel badly or defensive about your decision to handle things differently. Is there a teacher you can talk to about your concerns?


  2. Hi everyone,

    My son started kindergarten yesterday and the school has a rather strange rule of dropping off the kids in the front ( we parents are supposed to stay in the car) and the 8th graders come out to escort the little ones to their class. Needless to say, I find that unacceptable. He's a kindergartener for God's sake! Anyway, I have been walking him in for the past two days much to the chagrin of the faculty. Iv'e been getting dirty looks and people coming up to me ( teachers) trying to take his hand from me to walk him to his classroom. My point is that this whole ridiculous confrontationness has sent my POTS into Overdrive. I am so upset about the confrontation I face each morning that not only did I start into a panic attack on Tuesday morning but I get bursts of adrenaline all day long with tachy and headaches and really, just too much everything. I am so drained!

    Sorry this one is so long but I had to put it out there to people who actually get it!


  3. Hi everyone,

    Do any of you experience occasional chest pain? I am having it right now again and it seems to come and go. I know breathing deeply makes it worse during the pain. It hurts but it isn't enough to make me fall over or anyhting. Does anyone have any comments? I appreciate anything.


  4. Hey I have it also but as mentioned by the others, it really is the least of my problems. As far as I know, there is no medicine or anything to take for it. I have noticed that in the winter time, my pinkie toe and maybe the toe next to it will go numb and turn stark white. If I take off my shoe and rub it and put it near the heater, eventually it comes back. If I hold onto my son's stroller too tight, one or more of my fingers will go numb and turn white and feel frigid. I just shake them out and rub them on my sweater. Hope this helps.


  5. Hey everyone,

    Over the past few months I have noticed foods not tasting quite the way they used to. This may be strange but I wasn't sure if anyone else experienced it. For example: I bought a Twix bar the other day and it just didn't pack the same punch it usually does. And the pizza I always buy tastes....off. It is difficult to convey exactly what I mean. I can sum it up by saying it feels like I have lost some of my taste. Anyone have any comments? I appreciate anything.


  6. Hey everyone,

    Last Saturday and now today out of nowhere I developed horrible left side ab pain. (Above the navel). I tried to think if I ate any of the same foods as last week but I'm drawing a blank. I nearly fainted from the pain last week. The pain is pretty rough this time too. I know some of you experience gastro problems. Any Comments?

    Thank you!


  7. Hi everyone,

    I know this sounds totally ridiculous but..... When I watch something intense on TV I get these wicked adrenaline rushes. When watching the season finale of the Bachelor while awaiting the decision of the bachelor...I got clammy hands, rapid heartrate , etc. Tonight as I watched American Idol, while waiting for the final results I totally got a surge of rapid heart rate, wobbly legs, clammy hands and I spiraled uncontrollably into a nasty panic attack. My husband didn't seem to "get " it. Don't make fun of me but has anyone else had this? I know I sound silly.


  8. Hey everyone,

    Woke up in the middle of the night last night--son was having nightmare. Tucked him back in, became nauseuos, crazy tachy and real hard time breathing. Went to bathroom, legs began shaking, could hardly get a breath, fell to the floor and laid my head down. I think I fainted. Has anyone else had this in the middle of the night?



  9. Hey,

    That last article regarding hyperventilation...do any of you know if that means hyperventilating when under stress? I have been experiencing panic attacks for the first time in my life over this past year. If a car pulls out in front of me or if it is my turn to talk in a large group......I get a surge that can very quickly send me spiraling. Is that what this article means?


  10. Hey everyone,

    I am gearing up for summer and dreading it all the way. I am getting ready to quit my current janitorial job. It's getting physically taxing on me more and more every day and worse as the temp rises. I'm going to try and slide into a desk job but what else can I do? Last summer was horrible for me! You know how you feel...just like total crap and your legs have lead in them and ....any tips?

    Thank you!


  11. Actually, I have just come about something that has really worked for me so far. Knock on wood. I just wanted to lose that sickening feeling of your stomach going to burst...so I started serving myself less food at each meal. It was tough at first but I am starting to get the hang of it. For example: I will use a child's plate and put a serving on that. Once I finish that plate, I wait AT LEAST 5 minutes to give my stomach a head start. If I am still hungry, I'll have another plate- but not a heaping serving...a small one again. Lately, I think my stomach is getting the hang of it because after those 5 minutes, often times...I'm full and don't need another serving. Let me know if this helps anyone!


  12. Hi everyone,

    I was just reading about some of the other forms of dysautonomia. I can't figure this out because it seems like I have a few symptoms of each different disorder. I was diagnosed by a cardiologist after my tilt test was postive, diagnosed with POTS. But- what if it is another form of dysatonomia? I don't know what my next step should be. The cardiologist rxd midodrine which I have yet to take and he said we could just "talk on the phone to handle my treatment." I need to do something as I feel my symptoms are only worsening and summer is coming.......Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Thank you,


  13. Hey,

    Something new. I can be sitting and all of a sudden my hand goes numb or my foot goes numb. Or depending on my exact position, part of my back goes numb...Also, I tried a parraffin treatment at home ( soaking in hot wax, letting it harden...supposed to help skin stay smooth) and my hand went numb from that. Anyone else have this?



  14. HI,

    I have what I think are bladder infections over and over again every month but they keep coming up negative. I have pressure, accidents (lovely) and having to go a lot. Is that what you have? And also what is the interstisal cystatis ...Im sure I spelled that wrong..


  15. Hi,

    I have POTS and I have a symptom that really bothers me. I have bouts that come out of nowhere where I cannot take a deep breath. I can get very close to getting a full gulp, but not a full breath. Sometimes it gets so bad I spiral into a panic attack. Does anyone else have this? Please let me know, I would really appreciate it!


  16. Hi everyone,

    Just got a new symptom this week and was curious if anyone else experienced this. All this week I keep waking up overnight multiple times because my hands and lower arms are asleep. At first I thought I might have slept on them or something, but the past nights I have been careful to lay them flat at my sides and it is still happening. ANY responses helpful. Thanks,


  17. Hey everyone,

    I'm new to this whole thing so I guess I'll just lay out my whole situation and if anyone can offer anything, I really would appreciate it. Pregnant with my son in 04 I begain having a hard time going up steps, getting very out of breath with pulse racing, all that. Doctors looked at me like I was crazy, you know...pregnant girl trying to get attention. They really made me feel like maybe I was crazy. They tested for asthma, anemai. I was fine. Delivered my son in June 04, symptoms persisted. Felt near faint especially on hot days going up stepd. Picking up my son would spark all the sob and rapid heartrate. Going to amusement parks was not fun with me. I was such a crabby, miserable person, The heat would just get to me! Along the way I started to really have trouble with my stomach. Cramping, Bloating like I've never experienced, etc. Trouble with my bowels. I also developed an "eye allergy/ infection" The Dr. guessed anyway. I was on all these eye drops and could no longer wear contacts. As my sympotms got worse, I was referred to a cardiologist. He said it was anxiety. And I could see from the look in his eyes he thought I was a drama queen. rxd meds. I got a second opinion from another cardiologist and he said it was svt. But after trying medicine from him he referred meto an electrophysiologist and he did the tilt test, and alas, two years later I have POTS. I never thought these symptoms could be related. But it is starting to feel that way.

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