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Posts posted by Wufflebear

  1. I get that sort of feeling whenever I stand still in front of the mirror to do anything detailed...

    Brush hair, make-up, check out a zit.

    I think it is the standing still and the forcing my body to focus on something. I get the same way if I am trying to hook a troublesome bracelet or necklace clasp...

    My theory is that, at least with me, I tune out visual input a lot and that lets me avoid feeling sick sometimes...but when I force myself to pay attention to all the visual input...my system realizes how out of whack it is and feels sick...

    Just my theory...

    p.s. I gave up makeup and jewelry and I don't care about zits enough to make myself sick anymore and I cover my hair for religious reasons....So I kind of avoid most of that stuff now...usually... lol

  2. yea, I was just furious. I feel better now but I am laying in my own bed and have not had a stabby pain or a high resting heart rate in a few hours now.. my legs aren't shaking anymore either. My bp is more normal as well. It was still high when I first got home, but now it is normal for me.

    i suspected they would not know what to do with me but I think somehow I hoped that a doc seeing it in swing would help me somehow... plus the stabbing pains in my chest were scaring me...and wearing me to a frazzle to.

    I could not beleive the talking to I got from them "If you come in here complaining of chest pains we think it is an emergency and we have to move everyone out..but you dont look to be having an emergency..."

    Yea, ok.... so next time I will say "upper frontal torso discomfort of unknown etiology???" Yea, right....sorry for having a failure of imagination on that one... lol

    I did get an ice cream. It was good.

    heres to one day being able to get care that is worth something.....and they better not even try to send me a bill.....

  3. so after a day of the shaking chills, and chest pains stabbing me when I breath in, resting pulse of over 100 etc. etc. I finally broke down and went to the ER. Mostly for the chest pains. Getting stabbed every time you breath in for a while and then having it intermittantly for 30 hours is a bit much.

    I waited for 3 HOURS. They took my pulse when I got there and it was 147/52 which is way crazy for me. Pulse laying down was 104. Anyway, after 3 hours of no doctor I finally left AMA. The doc was not anywhere near seeing me and in the words of the nurse "I did not look like I was having serious trouble. but I had to realize I was leaving AMA"

    FINE! cause in my words "if it was going to kill me it would have done it by now in your waiting room."

    I think I will go get an ice cream or something...then at least my mouth can be happy.


  4. Ok, I am at my wits end with this one.

    Starting saturday night I have had stabbing or pinching pains in various locations. Particluarly when I breath in.

    Mostly it is like a sore spot in the center of my chest & in the lower rib on my left side...For hours early sunday morning I was stabbed everytime I breathed in unless I curled up in a ball on my left side and then it just ached...It eventually started sending pains all thru my chest, and down my left arm and into my neck and I had a great pressure headache too..

    bp and pules were normal...

    Then later I got stabbed in the back, like rapid pains under my left wing...not related to breathing in or out...

    Then today I have had them in my right breast like near my armpit whenever I breathed in, then it eases up, then it happens again.

    Meantime my arms and head and everything just feel wiped...Like you do after a lot of pain or total exhaustion...

    ibuprofin does not seem to be doing anything.

    I was actually reduced to tears in front of my four year old sunday am when she came in..She wanted to cuddle and play and I could not breath w/o getting pain.

    I am just totally wiped.... Anyone else get this kind of stuff???

    It's like growing pains on steroids or something.....

    also I can get pinched in my chest if I am slumping sometimes. I even got one that turned my breast numb once. I dont know....

  5. I get something like this too. In fact Early sunday morning was yucky with it. Everytime I breathed in it hurt and if I laied on my back, stomache or right side it stabbed me. Pain was right in the middle/front of my chest and radiated around. Kind of felt like a band was around my chest at times. Pain eventually went down my left arm and into my neck..head hurt too. Lasted for about 2 hours..and I was in a nasty mood by the end of it. I could not take a breath with out getting a pinching pain. if I laid curled up in a ball on my left side it just felt like a bruise in my chest. Any other position hurt and then would pinch or stab when I breathed in...

    Then I got a few stabs in my back, like below the left wing...

    The area that hurts in front can be aggrivated by pushing or by a bra strap pressing on it.

    I have never noticed a click/pop sound though...

    Do you always get swelling w/ costochronditis??

  6. I go for weeks with a headache too. Sometimes dull and sometimes decidedly not dull. It varies a bit and is worse in the am and better toward 8-9pm. No one knows why with me but then I gave up looking for answers to my headaches years ago. I had one for about 4 weeks and then it dissapeared for a few days and now it is back... I dunno.

  7. I get it too. Particularly my pinky on my left hand but I have had both hands do it...When writing, when trying to get a fitted sheet onto a bed (particluarly if the sheet is kind of tight etc.)

    It hurts at first but then it is just locked and I have to use my other hand to bend the affected hand until it releases. Yucky.

    No doctors are interested in mine either.

  8. Yes, weather affects me alot. So does altitude. I found once when my husband was driving me up over a pass that was over 8000 feet that I could not wake up. He would try to wake me and all I could say was "get me down, please" then I would go back out. yuck. Also traveling and landing somewhere with a different altitude has me off kilter or darn right sick for days.

    I know cold /damp bothers me, so does any change in the barometer. Of course heat/humidity are awful too. I used to have a running competition w/ my science advisor in college. He had one of those fancy barometric watches...and I had my head and aches/pains. I could tell how far away it was and how bad it would be (summer thunderstorms in the midwest) as well, and sometimes better, than he could.

    I have not figured out all the variables yet...but yea, it affects me.

  9. I too have been sick since I was little. It is very hard, I know. I have made myself very sick before trying to fit in and be normal. But I found it was easier to think of normal as "just a setting on a dryer." For a long time I hated thinking of myself as 'sick' becasue it implies I can not have a good day, or have fun, or anything but lay in bed and moan (or at least that is how I saw it.) So I eventually decided that 'i was normal even if my body sometimes was not.' Eventually you will find people who are willing to take you as you are...and in the mean time accept yourself...the rest will come.

  10. In my office I had piled up boxes prior to my employer getting me a chair w/ a foot rest. IN meetings I usually sit near a table corner where there might be a cross bar to prop my feet up on or an empty chair. Otherwise I usually cross my legs alternately do circles w/ whatever foot is up. If the chair is big enough then I try and sit indian style...but usually chairs in waiting rooms/meeting rooms are not that big... I also have been known to sit on the radiators that line the windows inside some office buildings.

  11. oh yes!! w/ a perfect body and in perfect shape...Definately figure skating...Pairs cause it seems so romantic...

    Now w. my current body and in my current shape??? I was thinking perhaps the rock pusher in curling! THe mopping part just looks like too much energy. lol

    Or maybe bobsled...I'd be one of the people in the middle...Little bit of pushing and ride....


  12. Does anyone else get this?

    Sometimes it seems like the veins in the back of my hands 'pop out' or just get more blue and noticable and sore!...Sometimes the veins on the underside of my arm going into my hand do this too. Sometimes if my fingers or, right now, the base of my thumb is really throbbing it will look almost bruised there...only no bruise or anything...

    I also have pressure in my head and some good stabby growing pain type pains in my left breast at the moment.

    And I am pretty sure I could not think my way out of my own shirt either....

    argh.. And I felt so good yesterday...


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