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Posts posted by gwen

  1. well second party was last night and it was a blast but I took all my meds early, ate very little

    (oh but it was so good). Today limp as a wash rag, hangover( i don't drink ha) But not quite as bad as fri. that should be it till xmas eve at inlaws with 25 over. at least my dog likes me puny, she gets more cuddle time.:-)

  2. ramen- I agree fully with you idea about the pharmaceutical company.they are ruthless pigs.

    I actually fear a "magic pill" for pots because who knows if its really on the up and up. we are all sooanxious for relief, but who knows the long term. I had an during the seventy's who suffered from some mysterious disorder that the docs finally said was MS but even at the time you could tell they didn't even believe it. It wasn't and Istill don't know what killed her, but i know the ignorance of the drs and pharmy's sure didn't help.

    there is too much money in pills.

  3. the anxiety and skipped beats are familiar with pots and i have them too. I hope that you have a church or partsh that can help you out! no wonder you are anxious! I will pray to st Anthony to hold your hand and send help quickly. wish I was closer to everone so I could help all. frustrating! remember we need you, so stay in touch with us!:-)

  4. People with out this problem bump into things everyday. hope you didn't hurt yourself. did you get tunnellvion or just disoriented? either way, load up on salt this time of year. I try to pick slow times so drivig and walking pose less of a problem. I imagine we've all done it. I always have bruises i can't remember doing. hope your feeling better now.:-)

  5. I'm so sorry to hear of the different bp;s. even with the drugs i will have days i can't explain the wild readings. i really don't shop any more,passed out at stores 3 times, so I know what i need and thats all i get. I call it kamikaze shopping.and i drink a tea or gatorade while shopping. I know where the benches are and I've even asked a clerk to hold my basket for awhile i'm not feeling well. they usually don't have a problem. the fatigue is still the great mystery. Hang in there. I do take my pulse and bp twice a day just to show dr so we can evaluate any med changes etc. I write down next to it my general feeling of the day. I still can't show a pattern but I do think it helps. Too much shopping and holiday stress right now, even if you think your controlling it. I you have to just sit down on the floor *** you knees in front of your head fo a few minutes, I live in a small community so this has really started the gossip mill, but so what. If they were really concerned they'd ask for my list and do my shopping for me.ha!:-)i won't hold my breath

  6. HI all, first time Ive started a topic hope this is ok. last night went to small xmas party with boss at a very nice restaurant. the food was extremely rich (and expensive) but that was his gift to us, so I ordered a stuffed porkchop thinking that would be safe. It was HUGE! so I cut off large pieces and sent around table. I of course can't drink but eveyone else was. Well we got home at 9:30 and by 11 is was soo sick with dia and I think what you refer to as adrenergic reaction, Ive always called it rushing. I don't think I fell asleep until after 3:00. I office manage my husbands business from home, thank goodness, because I feel like I've been hit by a truck. sore and tired. What do you all do with this situation????? We have another one tomorrow night. Ilove the people but its like I'm on speed when I get home. I can't settle down and I'm so sick to my stomach. I hardly ate anything because I was afraid of gut blood pooling. I just feel like such a party pooper Ive missed two parties because I didn't have the energy to go and was afraid of the aftermath. Do any of you have some special coping methods fo all of this?:-)

  7. I know how you feel about your loved ones seeing it. my husband came home from work one day as i was in migraine mode. i was slamming my head on the floor to get relief, Then he got worried! He thought we should go to ER.all those years I thought he understood, but it wasn't till then,that he got it. He hasn't seen me pass out yet but I think he understands. The breathing technique does work and I've used it for a couple of years. Be careful:-)

  8. Hurrah for clean blood vessels. Once you get rid of the extra fluid I bet your chest wont be so tight. Don't clean till you pass out! everytime you clean you stunt a dust bunnies growth! Why before long you'll begin to get downright fond of them. At my hoouse no one complains,because if they do i show them them the duster and welcome them to it.What ever gets clean today is better than nothing and if its a nothing day tommorrow you'll tend to it then. great office visit!:-)

  9. I agree with everyone else. This is just so frustrating!But remember that your family is able to shower you with love, by helping you. They need you at what ever level you are. I too wonder why you can't have some med since some help with POts as well. Wellbutrin has been a blessing for me. My son has always had trouble with his plumbing and we found oranges with all the stringy fibers are great. Try Flax seed it also helps. Ypu can buy it in oil form but i will warn you it tastes terrible, but the crushed flax seed has some real power behind it (no pun intended). Hang in there, you are important for newbies like me that need the mentoring. Be good to yourself.The holidays are so overwhelming, I feel it too.What gets done, does, and the rest you can buy!:-)

  10. good luck on combining the tests! I bet it was heaven getting to touch and see all the colors and textures of yarn after being housebound. Sometimes I think it should be a requirement that you have a disease or first hand knowledge thereof before you can become a doctor. There are just too many flyboys out there and if you are a gal they just don't treat you the same. best of luck and lets hope for some good news that you have a bad case of familial tremor (not great but inderal really kicks it).:-)

  11. I hope thishelps and will be thinking of you. My hub got one last year for a surprise and he felt so much better I asked the dr if i could have one! He was a changed man. he said he didn't realize he had felt so lousy. i have tacky so no I couldn't have one.I'm really quite jealous and it was done so quikly! I hope you have the same results, truly. For that matter I wish this whole pots thing could so easily be cured!

  12. i guess a general reply answer question. 23 yrs ago I had this type of attack yhat woke me up in middle of night. Hub and new mominlaw took me to er. it was over by then. of course dr said i was normal and said it was prob stress because xmas and gave me back pain relievers even yho i nevre complained o back pain! he told my hus that it was stress from not having any family of my own(!) o ver the years i would get these attacks even during the day where my lungs felt like the were in vise and couldn't breath. gall bladder!! finally saw awoman dr and she took one look and did abarium swallow. oneweek later no gall bladder. perhaps yhis could be looked into.

    last week my husband shook mr from adeep sleep shouting wake up! He said I had quit breathing. I didn't know anything about it. I had no pain. i rolledback over and went to sleep. he thinks i need to go to sleep dr. I do have aterrible time going to sleep at night.Amitryptilin only thing helps but makes me wake up groggy. has any one else had this happen?

  13. I try to walk 15 min in morn and 15 min afternoon. I have a rowing machine and haven't beeb able to use it since all of this started. Rowing and swimming are the best exercise for those healthy folk, but maybe you could borrow or rent one till you see how your body reacts. (I get dizzy and pass out;-))

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