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Everything posted by nunibenuni

  1. Thanks for the support. I do have a 504 plan with the school. Most of the school is actually very understanding. I had amazing teachers this year who were really understanding. I have the administration tied around my finger after the whole truancy thing . I have trouble explaining everything to my teachers. It gets very tiring. I work really hard (probably too hard sometimes) so my teachers don't always realize if I'm not feeling well, but, if I say something, I can always get an extension. I also have friends who are always willing to help me and cut me slack on labs or other group projects. My symptoms are headaches, stomach aches, joint pain (not that bad), and chest pain. The doctors at mayo weren't sure if the chest pain is caused by POTS, because it is so localized. I think it is mostly muscular skeletal stuff. Physical therapy really helps. I'm also trying to get a TENS unit, but the insurance won't cover it and I don't think it will help enough to be worth $800.
  2. Hi everyone! My name is Hannah and I am seventeen. I was diagnosed with POTS at the Mayo Clinic in May 2008. I have had various health problems since January 2000, when I was eight. That year I got a sinus infection then had horrible stomach aches until June. I missed a lot of school and when I went I went for partial days. I had an endoscopy that showed nothing. The stomach aches were diagnosed as unexplained abdominal pain. They got better. In fifth grade, I got multiple sinus infections, accompanied by stomach aches. I got tested for allergies in sixth grade and started shots in seventh. My health was under control until freshman year whenn I got stomach aches and a horrible reflux cough. I was diagnosed with some food sensitivities in january 2007 (my sophomore year) and cutting the food out made a world of difference, until I got sick again this fall. During the fall of junior year I got really sick. I had horrible chest pain that was diagnosed as pleurisy. Throughout the year, different doctors heard rubs on and off. The pleurisy wasn't getting better. I went to a rheumatologist and was tested for immune system disorders. I didn't have any, but I was diagnosed with joint hypermobility started physical therapy. I got better but then had a relapse in February. We decided to petition the mayo clinic. I went in may and was diagnosed with POTS. This year has been really hard. I have horrible pain that doesn't go away. I missed over 40 days of school. My parents were sent a letter from the school in November calling me a truant (they weren't very happy, especially since my mom had just been promised that the school would stop harassing us). I had to drop one of my AP classes. Luckily I was able to keep up with the other two. Most of my friends have been good. They help me when they can and deal with me when I am freaking out, but they still don't understand. I am excited to find a group of people who know what I'm going through and probably have it worse than me. I look forward to chatting with people here!
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