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  1. I am a new member, having just discovered what my condition is called. I am bedridden. What medications and treatments are effective for Dysautonomia? How effective are they? What side effects should I expect from them? Can I ever get back to having a normal life (not that it ever was really normal, but at least I used to be able to stand up!) Thanks for any information. Laurie
  2. Gatorade has a LOT of sugar in it, so I prefer Recharge, which has only natural sugars that are easier on the body. I find that the refined sugars, cane sugars and beet sugars (anythng with "ose" on the end of the word) mess up my blood pressure and blood sugar terribly. Recharge has only fruit sugars, and of course the essential salts that Gatorade has.
  3. I am a new member, trying to figure out how to post a new message without having to open an old one and hitting reply. Can someone advise me? I have a question: are there any doctors that specialize in dysautonomia? I am afraid that when I go to my GP and suggest that this get checked out, she'll roll her eyes. Laurie
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