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Posts posted by jump

  1. I also can't do squats without fainting. It causes NCS-like symtpoms in me (low bp upon standing, etc) even though I do not have NCS (just POTS w/out the bp changes). Every once in a while I forget, and I'll sit down on my heels to pick something up, and then I always regret it....

    Although it is hard to tell when something is serious when you have something chronic, I also think that, generally speaking, people know their own bodies best. If something feels "weirder than usual" or you think maybe it isn't the same old same old, then go with that intuition. Even though it's a hassle it's not worth the risk to ignore something that might be important. If there's a part of you that thinks something's really not quite right, you should get it checked out.


  2. I'd just like to echo how great it is that you're so supportive!

    I know anxiety is often a symptom of POTS, and when you describe your wife not wanting to leave the house, I wonder if part of that might be anxiety related? If so, perhaps an anti-anxiety med thrown into the mix might help.

    Although it's a slow process, I've found that it's important to try one new thing at a time, so you know what's working and what isn't. Sometimes the temptation is to make too many changes too quickly because one is desperate for relief -- but this isn't the best thing for your body, and it makes it hard to know which medications, etc, are effective and which aren't.

    I find supplements help a lot - I felt significantly better when I started taking magnesium and B-complex. Both are vital to nerve health, so it kind of makes sense. I'm going to start seeing a homeopath in a few weeks -- if your wife doesn't feel better with conventional medicine, it might be something to try, although with the aide and consent of her doctor, of course.

    Hope things improve for you and your wife,


  3. Thanks guys!

    I'll have to try the gum. I'm not a gum chewer normally so it hadn't occured to me.

    Sometimes I worry that my somewhat excessive drinking could throw off my electrolytes, but my PCP tells me not to worry about it. A few times I've had abnormal blood work / urine sample (low spec. gravity, sodium & potassium off) but not always. My PCP tells me if it were a problem, it would show up every time I get lab work done. I like my PCP a lot, but she doesn't know a lot about POTS -- do I have to worry about electrolyte imbalances if my labs aren't always normal? When I drink less I really can't function, but sometimes I do worry I'm just completely flooding my system....


  4. Thanks both of you!

    That's funny, my doctor told me it was a symptom, and it's on this website as well (http://www.dinet.org/symptoms.htm). I have been tested for diabetes and diabetes insipidus (sp?) and basically my doctors out that my kidneys, though healthy, aren't really regulating themselves normally (b/c of the autonomic problem) and that's why I'm so thirsty all the time -- but they just tell me to drink a lot, and I already drink a lot. My doctor said staying hydrated is a really important thing when you have POTS -- have others not found this to be true? I'm curious.

    I'll try more alternatives to gatorade, I hadn't thought about the sugar being a problem. Does sugar make some people's symptoms worse? I find that when I drink coconut water, it helps a good deal, but it's expensive and hard to find.

    Thanks for responding!


  5. Hello all!

    I'm new here, although sadly not new to POTS. It's so nice to find an understanding community!

    I have a question for you all. Often the thirst I experience is so awful and borders on intolerable at times. It's so bad that I have a perpetual sore throat and burning sensation. I drink a lot of water - about 4 liters a day - and plenty of gatorade and coconut water. I also avoid caffeine, alcohol and other diuretics. These things help, but the thirst is still so overwhelming and at times agonizing. Has anyone found anything that helps besides drinking a lot of water and sports drinks? Any suggestions would be great!

    Nice to "meet" you all,


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