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Posts posted by sarct

  1. I was up most of the night last night from the pain. I am pretty pain tolerant so for this to put me in agony it must have been pretty bad. I woke up still hurting so I went to the doctor. She said that I was really distended. She told me to make an appointment with a gasterontolgist, so i see someone tomorrow. She got me in quick since I am in so much pain. I love her for that. I am still really sore, but the spasms are gone, and I was able to eat a little today and drink. I couldn't drink or eat last night since I felt like I was going to get sick if I did.

    I hope it is nothing, but if it is somethign I hope it can be easily worked out. Thanks for the info and advice.

  2. I have been having a horrible problem lately with intestinal issues. I am up right now, because my stomach is aching so bad from pains I can't lay down. I keep moving about and trying to get relief but no use. I am reading on here that this is a symptom of POTS.

    I have never had an issue with my intestines before the last couple months. My intestines are aching like this raw ache pain and it hurts so bad. Is this typical POTS like upset stomach? I feel ill over it. I feel like I am really going to get sick. It was this bad a month ago as well. It went away the next day last time, but I still have the minor intestinal issues that continue.

  3. I have always been a thirsty person, and drinking anything other than water makes me more thirsty. I found this stuff called electro mix at whole foods. It's a packet you add to your water and it tastes like a lemon lime soda. I like it, and it really hydrates me. I never thought it was a symptom of pots. I just always thought I was a thirsty person. They have other flavors but those have sugar in them. I don;t liek the sugar for the calories, but if it isn't a problem then you can try the varieties.

  4. Thank you for this. I am such a salt freak. Actually I told my husband today that his mom wants me to give her cooking lessons. He said you are a really good cook. Except when you over salt things. I actually have quite a variety of salts I use. I just love salt. I use so much of it. I just have to be careful not to overdose my family with it. Ha Ha

  5. My goodness, I do something very similar. It feels like like my throat grows or something and if I swallow it feels like I swallow around a lump in my throat. I get a racy heart, real shaky inside but not anything visual. I will put up my hand but it is steady. I feel like I have to get my breath on top of or ahead of my heart beat if that makes any sense. Just this pressure type feleing. It is a perfect description to call it a surge. Once again, something I never really addressed. I just ride it out and carry on. I don't panic or have the emotional feeling you have, but I do have something similar.

    I have so many things I just felt like were something I just did, and there was no reason or answer for. I don't even talk about them, because people will think I am weird.

  6. I wanted to ammend

    It was 74Beats per minute when I was sitting, and then when I stood up it went to 135BPM. I remembered the results wrong, but I wrote them down, and noticed I got it wrong earlier.

    I have been researching all day since I got home. I am learning about how much of my life is affected by this. Areas I had no idea. Like I get days where I feel like I have the stomach bug. My mother in law said to me a couple months "dang you sure get the stomach bug a lot". Where I get what I have always called flu burps and real flu like for anywhere from a few hours to a day. I always just attributed it to something I ate.

    I also run hypoglycemic. Is that the low one? Where my sugars drop. When I was overweight I assumed I was becoming a diabetic. It was the number one reason why I lost weight, but recently I noticed I am getting low sugar again if I don't eat breakfast in the morning or I eat something real sugary.

    So many other things. I could go on and on.

    If I can just find a way to keep decent energy levels...I was sooo good yesterday. I thought, wow the medication is really working, and then I woke up this morning the same ole same ole. I keep getting my hopes up when I have a good day and then I get knocked back into reality the next. It is terrible.

    I am still trying to train my brain into accepting all this. I mean, I feel like I have to grieve the life I will never have. I just always assumed someday I will get over this and finally begin living. Reality has slapped me upside my head and now I am really feeling a sense of loss.

    I mean, one day I was sitting down to watch a movie with my husband and the sound was way loud when it started and it caused me to get real nauseus and sick and I had to control my breathing to bring my heart rate back to normal. I was a mess. I will get strong. I am just trying to come to terms. It's hard for me to accept the things I can't fix. I am always one to seek the truth and resolve the problems at any expense. I guess that is why I am so frustrated.

  7. Well that was a quick call back. He basically told me that this condition is just recently being diagnosed. There is no evidence of causation as of yet. There is no way to predict if my condition will get better or worse as I get older. He said many people have this temporarily and others live their life with it.

    He just told me to do some research online about it.

    So nothing answered as of yet.

    I don;t want to bring a baby into this world, and not be able to care for him or her fully. But I desperately want another baby. My heart is aching and this limbo process I am living in is killing me.

  8. I got back form my neurologist. I had a 24 hour test done where I was video monitored and they had wires on my head to monitor brain activity. I had 4 mild episodes unmedicated. I was really bummed thinking I wouldn't have any results, and was shocked that he told me I had Orthostatic tachicardia.

    He said my heart beat went from 78 lying down to 125 when I stood up.

    And stupid me, I asked no questions. Just said OK, and he let me be on my way. Said we may raise my zoloft to 100mg if my episodes become more frequent again. I kicked myself the whole way home. I always do that. I never think of my questions till I am in the car and on the way home.

    So now I am off to my GP to get a referral to see the specialist I found on this site. I really hope to have 1/2 a brain to ask the questions necessary. SIGH!

    My biggest question is because my husband and I would like to try for baby #2. Should we just count our blessings for having our 1 child? Will I get worse the older I get? Will I not be able to care for a baby in the future? We really want to know what to do as we were thinking about trying in the next month. I feel better being on Zoloft. More energy, and less episodes, but I can't take that when we begin trying to conceive, and what happens then?? I left a message with the neurologist to call me, but we will see how that goes. I apologized for not asking the questions while I was there.

  9. 81/65 is usually right around my normal. A lot of times it is even 70's/50's-40's

    I plan on getting a BP monitor to test at home to see if there are any patterns that could tell me about my episodes. I have always been a low BP patient.

    Even when I was 150lbs almost overweight it was still only around 100/75.

    I am not sure what my diagnoses is yet. i am just told so far that I have orthostatic hypotension. I am still new to all this, but I have been reading a lot and am amazed at the symptoms that could be related that I never even took notice of before. Like the speaking thing. I never thought that had anythign to do with this. I just thought I was a lazy talker. Who knew??

  10. I am also quite new as well, and I have had problems since childhood. As far back as 8 years old. Much if what you mentioned sounds familiar, but quite different too. I hope these tests they will be performing can help you.

    Like you, I have lost quite a bit of weight. When I gained the weight I stopped having episodes. I actually had them so infrequently that I thought I had grown out of the problem. Since the weight loss they have come back with avengeance. My doctor said it is because I have less blood volume now and I have less pressure put on my body.

    It Makes me sad since I feel like I was better off overweight. I should be enjoying my weight loss. Not living like this.

  11. Hi there,

    I am not on Paxil but have recently ben put on zoloft as well. The first few nights I took it I had to take my pants off in the middle of the night since I was so hot. I woke up and my skin was wet with sweat. I had a panic attack after the first night of taking it, insomnia for the last couple weeks. I am finally beginning to sleep more. Also I have periods of feeling tipsy. Kinda like I had a few drinks. They come and go. And I also get a sudden shortness of breath and rapid heart rate. I just have to close my eyes and mentally slow my breathing and everything calms down. The symptoms are winding down now. I heard it takes a good two weeks for our bodies to adjust to the medications.

    I have noticed marked improvement in my episodes. Like, I feel them come on, but it's all in my head. it doesn't affect my body function anymore. I still feel the buzzy feeling in my head, and get the metallic taste in my mouth after the tongue sting I get, but that is it. I have had a couple full on epsiodes, but nothing like before.

    I hope they work for you. It really has improved my symptoms big time.

    Good luck!!

  12. My husbands cousin gave me this today and said to try it. It helps raise blood pressure. She works at a homeopathic store. I am hesitant to try something w/o a doctors advice, but I am actually thinking about looking into homeopathic remedies as I am not very keen on taking medications. I never react well to them.

    I was just wondering if this is something anyone has ever heard of. It smells like cough medicine. She said it tastes bad, but if it helps I guess it would be worth it. My resting B/P is always around 80/63

  13. I had this happen before as well. My neurologist wants to set me up for a sleep evaluation since he thinks I have narcalepsy. He said this could happen with that. The reason he thinks I have this is because I feel like I am awake all night long. Like I know everything that happens during the night, remember all my dreams, and am tired during the day and always take a nap. We will see. I haven't gotten around to the sleep study thing yet. I remember him asking if I ever woke up and was unable to move. I remember that happening once to me.

  14. it does help, and thank you for clarifying. I get people telling me that they have done what I do before. I ask them if it occurs 10 times a day. When they say no is when I tell them then you don't do what I do.

    I need to get a referral from my doctor to see the specialist. I called my neurologist and the receptionsist asked me (as if I fell off the turnip truck) "you want this neurologist to give you a referral to another neurolgist??" I asked if that was a problem, and she laughed and said, "well let's see and connected me to his receptionist." I hung up. I think I am going to call my GP and ask her for the referral instead. lol

  15. I am as green as you can get when it comes to all this terminology. I can only read things for so long before I have to step away from my computer. My brain gets too foggy and can't process anything after too much time reading.

    Anyway I read yesterday that this is a symptom and not a diagnoses. Is that true? If so, what is wrong with me to be causing this then? I was under the assumption that that was what I had. Now I am so confused. What is wrong with me to be causing this symptom. I read that medications can cause it, but I wasn't taking any previosuly. It also said that this is something that afflicts the elderly, but I am only 30, and had this since I was a child.


  16. I just had an episode at my sons speech therapy today and his therapist was asking if I needed juice or crackers or something. I said, no I just faint/get lightheaded when I stand up. She said to me the only time she ever fainted was after giving blood and she described it. She said she wasn't sure what I go through each day, but she knows that fear feeling just before you faint.

    It was the first time I actually had a person understand. So random and weird how that happened.

  17. Hi, Joe. It's nice to meet you.

    I am sorry things are going like this for you. I hope your doctors can work to get you regulated and driving one day soon.

    I wanted to say that I was put on florinef once a couple years ago when I mentioned I get dizzy. The doctor didn't know why I was dizzy. She looked in a book (I remember her opening the book up) and wrote a script for this drug. It made me retain so much water though. I was swelling from it. I was quickly taken off the drug and I stopped telling her about my issues as I realized she was clueless what to do.

    I hope it works well for you though. Sounds like you have a good team of doctors.

  18. Hi, everyone. My name is Christina, and I cannot even express how happy I am to have found a place where people are going through the things I have been experiencing. I mean, I wish none of you were, but to know I am not alone and a freak is really uplifting for me.

    I have been having fainting/lightheaded spells ever since I was like 8 years old. My nickname was DD short ofr Dizzy and then my last name. I have fallen down stairs, and have hit my head so many times.

    When I was around 17 years old my life came to a stand still, basically. I became soooo lethargic. I would come home from school and sleep till 7:00, be up for a couple hours and then go to sleep till the next morning. I would go to the doctor, but they never found anything wrong with me. They just said that I have low b/p. and to drink water and eat a lot of salt.

    So I have been living my life in this limbo stage where every morning I wake up hoping I will be productive with my day, but then I quickly realize that this day will just be like all the others. I am tired, and lethargic, and I don't have the desire to do anything but lay on my couch.

    Oh, and I would have these spells that would cause all the people around me to speculate that I was trying to get attention. I am always complaining about something being wrong. My husband has often asked why I can't just be more productive with my day in the past.

    I gained 140lbs leading a sedentary life. Oddly enough I stopped with my episodes of being light headed and fainting. It would only happen once in a while. I thought I outgrew. I still lived my life just trying to get through each day though. I just resigned myself to the fact that I am just a lazy person.

    Then I decided I would lose weight. I have a child, and I want another. my spouse deserves to be married to a healthy woman. I lost all my weight and I began passing out...hard. I can no longer stand up w/o an episode now, I am having weird things happen with them that never did before. They have crippled my life even more than it was previously. I had to teach my 4 year old to dial 911 in case I fall and hit my head. I was suppose to lose weight to feel better and now I have exchanged one problem for another.

    Before it was just something that I did. Now my whole family is concerned and my poor hubby is doing all he can to support me, but is worried too.

    I don't know a lot of the terms used on this board yet, and I am being told I have orthostatic hypotension. They put me on 5mg of midodrine 2 times a day and 50 mg of zoloft once a day.

    The midodrine does nothing but make my head tingle, really. It doesn't aide me in anyway, so I stopped taking it. The zoloft has curbed a lot of my episodes but I still have them. Most of the time I can continue functioning through them. Like I feel it in my head, but my body is not being impaired by them like normal.

    I still have not been told why I have this problem. what causes it, how to live with it. I want to have another baby, but I don't know if it would be a responsible thing to do. What if I have an episode while carrying a baby and I fall?

    I am trying so hard to think positively and try to plan my life out, but I just feel so impeded.

    I was wondeirng if anyone had some advice for me? I live in Michigan and I am going through a cardiologist at beaumont and a neaurologist. I was wondeirng if anyone knew of a doctor here that specializes in this stuff at all?

    I know this is long winded. I have so many questions, and I just don't know how to frame them yet.

    From reading here I know people are worse off than me, and I feel guilty complaining about my problems. I have a great family who is behind me and I have a wonderful child. I just feel like I am letting down those around me for being like this all the time. I have this life that i want to live, and the the life I am living now is nothing resembling what I want.

    I am glad I have a diagnoses right now, though. I am glad to know I am not lazy, nor a hypochondriact (sp). I have had friends in the past tell me I was mentally ill and causing these things to happen to me. That I needed to see a therapist. I have such a stigma surrounding me. I even fear going to the doctor anymore, because I am afraid they are going to think I am just a complainer.

    Thanks for getting through all this if you did. I am not usually so long winded, but I have so much to say about this. I never get to express it, because I try to keep this to myself, but I just want to say thank you for having this forum so I can learn about my condition. I never knew, in a million years, that I would ever find people going through what I go through.

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