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Posts posted by BallroomA

  1. Lets see....I was a professional Ballroom Dancer I just stopped that this week...my last competition I had some serious reactions that weren't good at all. I might be going back to teach Ballet to the lil ones (3-5 year olds).

    Currently don't ask me how I am still standing (sitting or laying down most of the time) I am attending school full time. 21 credits (my parents won't hear of me taking any less), working at a dance store 20-30 hours a week, President of a campus organization ( I really wanna resign), and now trying to plan my wedding!!

    I am stressed to my last nerve, exhausted as all ****, and the only way I function is because my finacee is a sweetheart who does everything at home :P


  2. Ok guys I know mind blanks and bad memory are part of the symptoms that come with dysautonomia. But recently I have had some freaky episodes. I've never been one to talk in my sleep but its been twice now....I've gotten potsy, tachy, and passed out. Well I'd come to but I didn't come fully to...my finace was with me and I would just be foggy, talking about random things, pass out again and come to normal?????? Just a tad freaky, I brushed it off as being over-tired, stressed, but today I've been really bad with headaches, neck spasms, and a bad memory.


  3. I am so so so sorry!! I completly understand you and just had my reality check. As you all know I was recently diagnosed....well I am 19 and a senior in college. I'm so scared I am gonna end up in the hospital again and so gratefull for my fiancee. I'm a Criminal Justice major and my parents are completly convinced that I will go on to be a Federal Agent or Police Officer....whereas I know I CANNOT. Sorry but I am gonna start venting....

    Melissa you seem so smart...god I haven't even talked to the disability center cause everybody here says I am fine.....school is so overwhelming I am taking 21 credit hrs, the president of a society that I DO NOT want to be president of, trying to finish off my Ballroom Dance Competition year, and working 30 hrs a week at a job I LOVE its a dance store and the little kids I help there make everything ok. I know I cannot continue on like this but I don't know where to start. My last dance competition is going to be this weekend...while practicing last week I realized that everything is draining me so much I could hardly remember routines, the palpations were flying, my head was spinning. But telling my coach is gonna be so hard. I wish I had your courage to say this is what I have to do but my parents are so gung-ho on school and me finishing on time....nobody believes that I am seriously ill.

    Best of luck to you and thank you for helping me realize things to!!! :)

  4. I don't know...I grew up a ballet dancer so I was always underweight according to my doctors. I went full blown pots and got diagnosed when I had moved out and GAINED weight. Personally I don't think weight plays a big issue...I am back to what some say is to thin and others think perfect ( I am a size 2-4 5'9 and 124 pds). I find that if I stay at a thinner weight I feel better not as bad with heart palpatations, but always freezing and shaky.

    Just my 2 cents!

    Ciao :)

  5. I am 20 and my fiancee and I..OMG....ya before I wasn't sick everything was good he use to laugh at me cause I wanted it more often then him. Now...well on good days its good :D but most of the time :) I feel so bad cause its not that I don't want to but I cannot theres no energy. Hes so understanding an I love him more for it. We found that him on top works best as I don't have to use as much energy and everything is done slowly he really builds me up an he is a determinded guy it doesn't matter HOW long it takes he gets me in the mood!! LOL

    Ok enough about my sex life :)


  6. Hey - I saw Dr. Fouad-Tarazi testing at Cleveland was great got my diagnosis...treatment and anything else HA HA HA. But of course since I am not on any meds as the ones they prescribed I had already been on an they did nothing...well lets just say I am not feeling to hot. Of course though since I went to Cleveland and had tried everything they prescribed to no avail the problem must be in my head (according to my parents).

    If you need testing Cleveland is amazing but as for care don't count on them

  7. Hey you guys...ok so I was freaking out last night. My older cousin who is now 26 was diagnosed about 5 years ago with POTS etc. I'm 19 an was just diagnosed maybe a month ago I had been doing good this week no major attacks just my usually daily small attacks. While yesterday we had a family baby shower my cousin wasn't feeling good so I drove her home and we talked about our health and coping with our families. When I got home I started feeling nauses and dizzy so I laid down for about a half hour. My fiancee' came home and I was feeling alot better so he suggested we go see a movie went to see Willy Wonka (so good) we got outta there around 10pm and when we got back home I went straight to bed.

    Well I guess I started shaking (just one arm, leg, or certain side) uncontrollably about a half hour after I feel asleep he woke me up I drank some water and felt better. Well then I was starting to drift back to sleep when the numbness buzzing tinging feeling started spreading across my chest up my neck and through my face I tried to call out for him or move but I COULDN'T....it lasted for about 2-3 minutes passed and I very slowly tried moving and sitting up I was freaking out I didn't know what had happened so I got up walked in the kitchen got an ice pack curled up on the couch and just tried to calm down. Brandon woke up and came to see what was wrong an I had another attack after that one I couldn't feel him touching me the ice or have full range of motion. I finally fell back asleep and this morning I am just fine tired with chest pain but fine. I don't know what it was it felt like a POTS attack but I'd never had one encompass my whole body like that....just wondering if anybody else had experianced anything like it.

    Thanks everyone

  8. I come and go too...I know when I push myself that i will pay dearly for it days after. I've had doctors see me one week and call it a miracle recovery but then 4 days later I am laying in the ER!! Alot of doctors see things as being in your head...I haven't been able to find a drug that agrees with me so its not helping the situation with Doc's.

    In a way until the medical community accepts this disease more and learns more information on it I think its going to be an almost self-treat thing that we learn to cope with on our own.

  9. Hi everyone

    Just wanted to introduce myself...I've had the chest pains, fainting-like syndroms, etc that go along with POTS for the past 10 years..since 2nd grade. Went to doctors and got told it was growth spurts, hormones, in my head. Finally I gave up and just lived with it..the past year though things got a lot worse...I started passing out 5 times a week regulary...could hardly handle my college courses...and worst off didn't have the energy to dance (I'm a professional ballroom dancer). Well I went to see another doctor...ended up in the ER and they decided I was epilectic my mom knew that wasn't the case and found this website she decided enough was enough and got me an appointment at the Cleveland Clinic.

    Well I am 19 and after 10 years finally got my diagnosis of POTS with vasovagal reflex...sinual arrythimia...and a nitro valve prolapse. I tried to take it all well...for my family's sake I am trying not to let my attitude or daily activites really change but they don't understand how hard all this is. My fiance has been a dream and he is being really supportive. He's seen how I've changed and right now any task feels like a huge chore I'm just so exhausted and I feel so bad because life is so hectic right now.

    Well thats enough about me....THANK YOU TO you ALL for having such an awsome board that I've lurked on the past month while waiting for my diagnosis its been a really big help!



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