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Posts posted by lizzy

  1. :) i all i do not write mush, so sorry about speling and grammer.went 2 new doctor he had me stand with arm straightand feet together ..a..had trouble alitte with balace BUT THEN tald me 2 close eyes fell back every time he had me do this 4 times . he even had all the nurses come in talk them this is a classes case....but he wood not tell me of what intill he done all his homework he said... alot of bloodwork 2 look at vitatims,kidney.liverand mri of brain and neck.anybody have any idaes????
  2. hi .. you guys are he best.

    just got home for er .the emt cedcapt me when i passed out and got brain fogg alitle at the store.for the last month i have been getting week on the one side and the other stuff so thank you for bring it up , you do not know how much this site helps me i do not post much but do read alot, but thing posot came on the perfet time ..thank you.

  3. i hear your pain in your post. HANG IN THERE.in the info top of this web is some great reading that might help you , but some for your guesguze for doctors just take time . and the good doctor to ansewer that must of us are looking ,you sound like a great mom, so take one day at a time infor youself and read has much has you can .i well pray you two , and thing WILL get better.

  4. hi,

    your visit to the doc sound like we so to the same one .is he in the dayton area by any change? i have been fighting thing doc sh.t for 5 years . i am so so ready to give up on some days them i am back ready to fight again thats life.we have good days and bad days.we are only human.right now iam in what my kids call rebelling phase by refusing to go to ANY doctors.so all i take is paxal for the familys well being,.hopely soon we WILL we energize reselve for anouther round to fight soon.

    keep fighting .

  5. hi, i do not post alot cs of spelling is not good so please exuse.

    i know im body does not like me standing very long with out getting very dizzy and lght haeded .at home i can pace myself and sit befor i fall or passout.in the last 3 monts ben under a lot of stress .first was out of topamax for 2 week cs of no money ,now back on but body did not like it,.but this wek i had 2 doc apt both times i passed out the nurses freaked out and cassed 911.then called the doc . doc is thinking nerves. ...bull...how can I CONTROL BL 63/45 hr45 and the go up to 145/90 hr 100 in 15 just buy laying down?

    does anyone else with ncs passout and ,how do you handle it.

    thank you for any in sight.

  6. hello,

    im mary from ohio , worked in nursing homes for years,and took care of my grandprantces with . THERE IS NOTHING LIKE PAPERING YOURSELF TO MAKE OUR INSIDE SHINE AND LIKE THE OUTSIDE FOLOW.

    id see someone ever loney and sad ,id clockout and ask them if they whated ther nails done or somthing and taik and before you no it that smile and confice on ther face lasts a long time.

    so do thing for your self sometime.

  7. okay, my 125 pound lizzy ,

    when i pass out she barks diff, pushs me on my side,licks my face.

    last summer i passout and fell and hit my head and was bleedinding that was the first time that ever happened the dog whent the the neighbers and barked.we to a locaal stoore down the steet the clerks rather have her with me then not couse of me passing out to many times in the store.they have seen sher put me down ,wen i look funny to them.

    so how can i get her trained ?

  8. just a idea. we have a mutt my son saw being abused, comfruted the onwer and said give me the dog or i call the police ,well we got the dog ,and she was a handful at first,living tied to a tree with the rope too short to lay down or on food add taken it toll.but with the help from sisca training class and ALOT OF LOVE AND TIME she are lizzy 125 pound mutt .

    too the point lizzy is so intuned to the faimly .if iam have a good day she will do her own thing . if bad day she fallows me EVEWER.i push myself to do things and ingner the sings most of the times but lizzy and in husband can tell most of time before I can when i am goimg to crach, the dog with darck and tugg at me to sit with her hubby says she does it when i get pail.if i pass out hubby says she darks and crys and pushs me on my side we have never trainer sher for this but she just must has seen it alot .

    we take sher for walks daily for sher wait she stop alot and looks up and me then at hubby i think just thank you.

    any dog with love can guide and respet

  9. I DONOT have any ansers .but the same thing happens to me on the smaller scale daily .mornings are ok, i am great for about 4 hour at MOST then the pain in chest,head the voimitng starts ,dizzy,fatige exetreme,shaky,brain fogg,lowbb,high hr,....I can sleep with my sons JAZZ BAND IN THE SAME ROOM for about 12 hours then start the next day over again the same way.oh there is 7 boys in the band!



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