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Everything posted by JoeJack101

  1. I was diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome & Dysautonomia at the Birmingham clinic in 2005. At the time my main problem (and the only symptom I really noticed) was a severe sensitivity to the effects drugs and herbs. It wasn't an allergic reaction, it was that I experienced the exaggerated effects of whatever it was, even by consuming the smallest amount or even touching it! And it was not in my head. It was never a sensitivity to foods or anything else. Only medicinal things. It was impossible to live like that and dangerous being so sensitive. Move forward a couple years: I noticed that the sensitivity to drugs and herbs was completely GONE when I had anything that boosted Acetylcholine. At first, I noticed that Ashwagandha extract (which boosts acetylcholine receptor activity) made my sensitivity go away completely. Any choline supplement worked the exact same. But here is the problem: This boost in choline or Acetylcholine leaves me dangerously fatigued all the time. So much so that I am unable to work or get anything accomplished. It's horrifying. It's basically ruined my life. So there is a two fold problem: If I do not take Choline, I am left 1000x's more sensitive to herbs and drugs than any human alive, even touching some pills can cause the medicinal effects on my body. But this goes away if I take even just a little Choline, at which point I am no longer sensitive, but I am fatigued and exhausted all the time if I take it. I live in the Dallas area, but I don't even know which doctor to see. I want to see a dysautonomia doctor. It's just bizarre, and I just want to have a normal life. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated. I'm desperate.
  2. I think I have POTS, and I know I have Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome and I know I have dysautonomia. I have a HORRIBLE drug sensitivity that is beyond words... What would you do if it was literally killing you are ruining your life? I HAVE to get rid of this horrible drug (& herb) sensitivity, so please help me find a way. By the way, this sensitivity is NOT allergic, the effect of the drug/herb is just exaggerated 1000x's or so.
  3. I know I have posted this before but it has been awhile. Is anybody out there sensitive to herbs and/or drugs? If so, tell me about it. Also, have you found any way or anything that has reduced your sensitivity? What do you think I should do? I can't keep living like this. Thanks. By the way, I have been diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome and Dysautonomia.
  4. I have found that this problem is caused by our nervous systems being unusually sensitive to medicinal substances. The nervous system itself over-responds to whatever the drug is telling it to do. That is why it is possible for a Dysautonomia patient to touch a medicine and get a quick reaction before blood has had time to circulate to the area it is affecting. Drug metabolism seems to not be related to this type of sensitivity. I also don't think people with Dysautonomia should try to increase their tolerance. Take the amount that has the proper amount of medicinal effect on your body, and if you need to eventually up the dose, do so carefully. I know there are people on here who didn't used to be so sensitive to drugs, but is there anyone who has noticed a reduction in their drug sensitivity? Are there any pills or therapies or etc. that have made the drug sensitivity go away?
  5. Some of you probably read my previous post. I have since then been diagnosed with Dysautonomia and Mitral Valve Prolapse with Trace Regurgitation. The main symptom that is bothersome is my sensitivity to herbs and drugs. Any way to treat that, such as treating dysautonomia itself? Will cutting back on sugar and drinking lots of water help? Will any supplements help? What do you guys suggest I do? How long will it take before I see results?
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