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Posts posted by Poohbear

  1. :P Sorry I'm late in posting to this but I hope someone will still benefit from it.

    I do many of the things you have all mentioned. Music for me is one thing that is often very calming and peaceful to me.

    I also have a "quote book"...what you do is get a journal and when you are in conversation with someone or a group of people you listen for the statements made that are really funny when taken out of context. My friends and I kinda "compete" on who comes up with the funniest quotes (although you can't purposely TRY to get quoted...it never works out very well.). Often, the things in the book will only be funny to you and those who were present during the conversation. But it is uplifting to read and laugh at these on your bad days.

    I don't know if I'm explaining this very well so I will try to give a couple of examples. Once, while in the hospital I was having to do a 24 hr urine collection. I walked out of the bathroom and said, "Will you please put my urine on ice?" So my friend quoted me, because out of context, if you weren't there and didn't know the circumstances that is a funny quote. Another example....while watching a tv commercial for some drug my friend said, "It's good for you but it might destroy your liver or make your eye fly out of your head" so I quoted that...again out of context...really funny.

    Another thing I do sometimes is "internet" mad libs. Hopefully you all know what mad libs are but I will either create my own story or use one from the books and ask my friend to email me adjectives, adverbs, nouns etc and I will plug them into the story and email it to everyone. Sometimes they turn out really funny.

    Maybe I should try a creative mad lib on the board soon! I'll work on that!!

    Take good care of yourself!

  2. It's really strange because after spending the last four years of being in a wheelchair I was so pleased to be taking steps but everytime I am on my feet all i can think about is hoping that I wont pass out. I havent passed out in  months now but the fear is still haunting me and holding my walking back. Do you think in time that the fear will ease or am I going to be stuck with it???!!???? B)  :angry:  :)

    I hope you won't be stuck with the fear. I really do understand how illness produces anxiety and fears and that, in turn, causes extreme fear and phobia's. I think there is help out there for you. First of all, it's a huge self-talk exercise. You need to try to remind and say to yourself when you are on your feet that you haven't passed out lately. Even if you do pass out it won't be the end of the world (although I know it's miserable). Can you start out by making sure someone is near you in case you really do start to feel bad? Also, try to make your surrounding as safe as possible so that if you do pass out or fall you won't seriously hurt yourself. Build your confidence slowly.

    Is there a psychologist or social worker in your area that treats people with chronic conditions? They may be able to offer support to you as well.

    Good luck. Keep us posted

  3. I would like to add my experience in hopes that maybe something I say will help you with this. I too have had TREMENDOUS trouble with hormones impacting the dysautonomia. Just a couple of months ago I found a GYN who has been SO supportive and wonderful!!!

    I am 36 and my hormones have shifted. The first thing we did was I did a SALIVA hormone test which some Dr's feel is more accurate than blood test because it measures the available hormones your body has to use. You can look up ZRT laboratory for more info. They are out of Oregon I believe. The test is simple and painless. You take the test during a 3 day window at a particular phase of your cycle and mail the tubes off and they send back a detailed report.

    In my case, it showed I was too low on Progesterone. My body is highly sensitive so, my GYN is using a progesterone cream that is made by a compound pharmacy (which means they can give you tiny doses that may help that you can't get in a manufactured pill).

    It's too early in the process for me to know if this is helping yet or not but personally, I'm glad to try this route before using something stronger to stop my periods.

    If anyone needs more info I'll be happy to help. Just post and let me know!


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