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  1. Hey Morgan, Thanks for all the responses. I'll admit I am overwhelmed and will probably disappear for a while. I will keep you in my thoughts......one day at a time....it is the best we can do. Tunnie
  2. Oh gosh, ditto. I am a nurse too. I thought you might be by the way you explained the details. My cardiac electrophys. is uninterested and my primary is also feeling guilty because he encouraged as well. I did hit the literature before the procedure but did not find what I now know. I am very angry with the cardiologist....it was his job to know. Given our circumstances, do you think it is realistic to plan on returning to work? You said your cognitive function has been compromised, would you share to what degree? I used to work high-level nursing management with multiple responsibilities, now I can only manage one thing at a time that requires intellectual processing....and then only on good days. I used to work high-stress area and now the phone ringing can send me into a flush and cold clammy response....other times I am fine. It does make you feel like you are crazy....or at least it makes me feel that way. Any words of wisdom?
  3. Morgan, I don't know what IST is? They said it was AV Nodal Re-entract Tachycardia....meaning there was an extra pathway causing the tachycardia. It is my impression from a doctor that I spoke with last week that you cannot mess with the nervous system that way without causing problems....for anyone, but in particular for people with POTS. I wish I had known what was in the literature before my ablation. It is contraindicated in most people with POTS. Are you able to work outside the home?
  4. Gosh--ignore this one....was a repeat.
  5. I am having a difficult time trying to figure out how to do the replies. Not always as computer savy as used to be and new to this system. I am sorry that you are in the same situation as I....it is difficult. I think it will be helpful to exhange info though. My symptoms now are weakness and muscle jitters--often very severe. Some days I awaken with it and find myself unable to do much until afternoon.....slow thinking processes go with that. My pulse and blood pressure tend to run low though are still in safe zone...BP frequently drops with change of position. Will drop as low as 78/50s. Pulse does not race since ablation.....what do you mean when you say you have been ablated several times? I drink water like crazy, take salt pills, am on mestinon and inderal. The latter is new since last week when I was over at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. Am on medical leave from work.
  6. Anyone develop symptoms after they had a cardiac ablation? I had an ablation one year ago for tachycardia and my life has been difficult since....cannot even work now. In retro, the doctors think that I had POTS and that the ablation made the symptoms much worse. I am interested in hearing if anyone else has had a similar experience. If anyone had an ablation, did your symptoms eventually get better?
  7. Hi, I am new to this site...and to POTS. I am 51 and was diagnosed five months ago. Symptoms started with menopause changes and have continued to get worse with symptoms every day....near syncope about 4x/month. One of Dr Grub's articles says that menopause def makes a difference. Has anyone been recommended to take estrogen to ease symptoms?
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