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  1. I do have an electrophysiologist as well as a primary care. I have an appointment with an endocrinologist coming up so I am hopeful that they can give me some insight. I’m not sure what kind of pots I do have as I was recently diagnosed. I’m currently taking it day by day trying to rest and do small activities. I have heard that in some cases it takes a while for the body to get back to normal after a bad reaction to the florinef but I’m hoping I’m on my way to getting better. I have been making sure to increase electrolytes and salt but hear what both of you are saying about IV fluids. Thank you both for responding to me and giving me insight!
  2. Hello all, I am new to the DINET community but am a 21 yr old female with pots who was prescribed Florinef at 0.1 mg and it wrecked havoc on my entire system. I went from being active in school and work to bedbound within a week of taking it. I was having unpleasant symptoms while taking it such as tachycardia, palpitations, dizziness, lightheaded, adrenaline rushes, shaking, stiff neck, eye pain, chest cramps, decreased appetite, insomnia. I stopped taking it since it was the only thing I changed since I began feeling so ill and the symptoms are still persistent. It has been about 2 weeks since my last dose, I was not tapered off. My bloodwork and EKGs are normal and I do have a history of health anxiety that plays into all of this when I feel sick. I am beginning to get hopeless as to when this feeling will pass and my adrenals will get back to normal. Is there anyone here who either had a similar experience or knows some tips/tricks or can give me some hope. Thank you
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