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Everything posted by albertspa

  1. Hey guys! For context: I've got hyperadrenergic POTS (though it hasn't been looked into whether I might also have any other subtypes via biomarkers yet). Ivabradine, Clonidine didn't work - currently on Bisoprolol and recently started Fludrocortisone in combination with sodium capsules, which seems to perform relatively well. I've noticed that my symptoms are alleviated (such as swollen eyelids, blurry vision, brainfog, tight throat, coathanger pain, irritability, etc...) when it's either night-time or when it's rainy/stormy/cloudy outside. I couldn't find anything concrete in regard to weather in studies about POTS, nor is there much of a consensus online about how it affects patients, except that most typically experience relief during colder seasons. Now I don't feel any better or worse during either cold or warm seasons, which leads me to think that it's less a matter of temperature and perhaps more due to the change in barometric pressure, air humidity, brightness, etc...? I was wondering whether anyone else has had similar experiences or may offer more insight or speculation on why that could be? Thanks!
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