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  1. I'm going in for autonomic testing in the morning and they are admitting me so I can try different meds. Not really happy about that. In the past when I would be like this, just not as severe. I would come out of these episodes slowly. I have been doing leg exercises while laying but nothing is getting better. I have never felt like this. I'm also a long time smoker. Bad me I know but it used to help except when I was in an episode I wouldn't smoke that many. I thought on great nicotine withdrawal on top of it but I feel horrible if I smoke one and if I don't. I just don't do well with any meds and this is frightening! I have been in the er all day and they have not given me fluid or even a cup of water. Thank you so much for your response!
  2. @Pistol Thank you for your response! How did you figure out you had hyperadrenergic POTS? I have told every Dr I have seen that I needed to figure out which type I have and they all have said dysautonomia is dysautonomia and just try and feed me meds that I usually can not take. Salt and compression never has done anything either and here I lay unable to do anything for myself. Thank you for any information you have!
  3. I see this was a few years ago. I'm bedridden and only take xanax and Phenergan for pots symptoms. I've been on those for over 10 yes. My body has changed and when I wake my BP is very low and HR is too, in the 40s. I get up to use the bathroom and it goes to 120. My cardiologist wants me to try paxil but I'm scared. Has anyone tried this yet and how did it affect you and you BP? Thank you so much for any help on this. I'm ready to get my life back!
  4. Hi everyone! I have just had a relapse in my pots. This time around my blood pressure is low when I stand for just a min. I'm getting older and I was doing ok for about 3 years. Now I'm bedridden. No Dr really knows how to help me and I don't tolerate meds well. I have been on xanax for over 10 years which did help and Phenergan for nausea. Since my blood pressure drops now and my heart rate goes about 55 bpm within a minute of standing i don't know what to take. I was given paxil to try and the dr said i may feel worse at first. well that's not something i wanted to hear. Just wondering if anyone had any advice on what meds helped them and did you have low blood pressure? Thank you for any help! I have no quality of life.
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