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  1. Placebo and nocebo effects demonstrate the mind can impact the body in positive and negative ways. I believe some of my symptoms could be impacted by the mind, as others have also said. These impacts include obvious things like BP and heart rate, but also hippocampal size, cholesterol levels, and organ function. So, yes, I have accepted the premise that SOME of my symptoms COULD be caused by the mind. I also accept the premise that diet/fluid intake/salt intake, heat, physical exertion, and mode of respiration (nose/mouth) can cause some of my symptoms. I think doctors who try to say our symptoms are "all in your head" are simply afraid to acknowledge their ignorance and impotence in working with health issues they don't understand. I know my symptoms are not ALL in my head so each time it happens I ask myself, do I confront this doctor's ignorance or find another doctor?
  2. Sounds frustrating. So your O2 levels are normal during these episodes? Like high 90s? If so, then it does not sound oxygen related. Maybe CO2 related? Look at the symptoms of metabolic acidosis, and see if some foods you are eating/drinking an hour or two before might be triggering. Wine after any exertion is bad combo for me. Also, see if you are doing alot of breathing through your mouth before it happens. For me, breathing through my nose during physical activity has helped alot and I get short of breath much less often. Stamina has increased quite a bit since I switched from mouth to nose. Lots of science behind why.
  3. I am a research scientist and statistician by profession, meditator for 20+ years, and I was an ultramarathoner until symptoms showed up during a race. I have experimented with almost every "natural" and alternative method or remedy I could find over the past 10 years. Homeopathic, herbs and tinctures, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, functional medicine, vitamins and minerals, diets (Paleo, vegan, raw), soap changes, and lots more. Like others have said, everyone is different and the root cause of your symptoms are likely to be different from mine. Yes, and it sucks having to deal with the symptoms. The only non-allopathic things that have consistently helped me are electrolyte caps morning and evening and during any exertion (1000mg per hour), maintaining hydration levels, getting off caffeine, and switching from mostly mouth breathing to nasal breathing, especially during exertion. Breathing change caused the single largest improvement in symptoms. I am almost symptom free now unless it is hot out. I can work outside for hours without POTS kicking in. I haven't been bedridden for days after exertion. Science almost always lags behind because the peer-reviewed publication process is so conservative to new ideas. Good luck!
  4. I have been experimenting with licorice iced tea, licorice caps, and electrolyte caps in combo. BP stays up for 4 hrs longer than normal when working outside in the heat - normal is 10-30 min. Trying to find ideal dosage. Best so far is 900mg licorice and 1800mg electrolytes before starting. Then 900mg electrolytes and 450mg licorice every 2 hrs. Regularly drinking licorice tea with honey, iced, and water.
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