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Everything posted by annebuzz

  1. Thank you, @Pistol, I appreciate that! 😌 I just updated my post about the unfortunate fact that the doctor cancelled my appointment at the last minute, so the search continues...
  2. Thank you so much for posting this question way back in 2012, and for the reply about Dr. Abdallah!!! One would think that after 10 years more people would be aware of dysautonomia and it would be easier to find someone to explore and treat it... but alas, here we are (although I hope that everyone in this discussion has found help and is enjoying good health!) For the last decade+ I've been struggling to find help with my chronic fatigue symptoms beyond "take an antidepressant and exercise." Unfortunately now that Long Covid exists, there's more awareness around the symptoms and diagnoses related to post-viral illness. I have an appointment with Drs. Abdallah (they're a husband/wife team, which is so cool) in July and am so hopeful. It's a little daunting because the office visits will be long days with a lot of testing and extremely exhausting... but also extremely worth it, if for no other reason than to be taken seriously! EDIT: Unfortunately my appointment, which was supposed to be today, was cancelled last week for an unknown reason. The reason I was given was: "the doctors won't be in the office that day," and apparently the doctors cancelled an entire 2 weeks of patients. I was extremely disappointed because I'd been waiting for a month and was rescheduled for September... Despite the good reviews for Dr. Abdallah, I'm having trouble with trust. The reason for the cancellation is not my business but I'd have appreciated something less aloof, as well as some empathy. From my perspective it's a really big deal to have to wait for another two months. In the meantime I'm searching for a different doctor, but if I do go with someone else I've lost a whole month of waiting (as I'm sure everyone else has long wait times)! It's a bummer.
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