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Everything posted by JSax_CM

  1. I just got my PAF diagnosis yesterday. I couldn't get a straight answer from that specialist about anything. My medical chart is over 24,000 pages with allegedly over 80 individual diagnosis. I feel everything you mentioned, but I have a whole lot more. Severe joint, muscle, connective tissue issues, headaches, titanium plates and screws in my spine, I have two spinal cord stimulators, one for about waist down and the other covers like my waist to my armpits. They won't do a 3rd for the damages in my shoulders or the neck pain that spreads across my shoulders up the back of my neck and spreads into my temples as a non stop 24/7/365 headache. I literally hurt on a 1 to 10 pain scale around a 8½ or higher constantly and it covers about 80%-85% of my body. Mayo clinic doctors want me on cannabis with higher THC, but regretfully ALL FORMS of cannabis if illegal in Texas. They are scheduling my to go to the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas Texas. They are allegedly the leaders in PAF, MSA, Parkinson's and that whole area of Neuro studies, specialties and so on. So I'm going to go once I get the call and see what they can do. So no you certainly are not alone and I pray you don't feel like I feel. To wake up every day is a nightmare. But I do it for my children. They deserve my effort.
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