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Everything posted by AMLS

  1. Thank you!! That’s a good idea. I have a very sensitive stomach so I think I’ll try more basic electrolyte replacement tablets before attempting the dissolvable 1g of salt type. Fingers crossed this solves the issue! We have no idea why water makes me so sick in the first place, it’s really bizarre 😂 I’m lowkey scared it’ll keep happening and no one will be able to figure it out. I haven’t found anyone else who’s had a similar reaction.
  2. Hi there, apologies in advance for any etiquette faux pas! I’m 28 years old and was recently put on the track of a dysautonomia diagnosis (my PCP strongly believes it’s POTS based on tests so far, but I can’t see a specialist until next July for an official diagnosis). I’ve scoured the internet for answers to this question and haven’t found anything satisfactory so far, so I’m hoping someone with a similar experience might point me in the right direction? My PCP’s been supportive and helpful, but as she’s not a specialist we’re both a bit stumped on the issue. I’ve been told to hydrate as much as possible — unfortunately, frequently drinking water gives me serious long-term vertigo. I’m positive I’m not overdosing on it. I get vertigo/tinnitus when I drink just 2 liters a day in small regular amounts as advised. I’m epileptic (preexisting/unrelated), and at first I thought I was going to start having seizures again since the sensation was so similar. We think this MIGHT be related to my blood’s low sodium levels (I’m borderline hyponatremic despite eating a lot of high-salt food), but we have no real clues as to why my body reacts this way to increased water. Has anyone else had this experience of more frequent hydration causing severe side effects, or any suggestions on what to do? Right now I’m sticking to sports drinks, though I know water is better. I’d just really like to know what the root cause could be since hydrating is so important to combating fatigue/brain fog, but I’m unable to do it!
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