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  1. So I’ve been having issues with passing out since I was a teen and my doctor wants to do a TTT on me to see if I have POTS. I usually don’t have symptoms when I’m driving (just when standing up or exercising) but I’m scared they will take my license. I also don’t usually fully pass out because I lower myself to the ground. I haven’t had full blown loss of consciousness since I was 16 (I’m 20 now.) I’m really scared that they will take my license though, I live in Alabama and if anyone else that lives in Alabama and has POTS can tell me if their license got taken away I will really appreciate it. The thought of them taking my license makes me so sick to my stomach because I have really bad anxiety and driving around at night is one of the most effective stress relievers for me. I’m getting cold feet about even following up with my doctor because of this.
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