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Posts posted by Ed123

  1. I used to have orthostatic nausea as a pots symptom, which completely cleared up from high salt/water/exercise. 2 weeks after starting pots treatment, I developed excessive bloating and burping, along with a vague hungry feeling which has gotten progressively worse. This was never a symptom I had when my pots was bad, and now I have almost no pots symptoms but this persists. This happens after I eat but also on an empty stomach sometimes. I took a ppi for a while which seemed to help a bit but then not really. I've also just been diagnosed w/ iron deficiency anemia and vitamin d deficiency, but no other problems. My serum electrolytes are fine but I've heard that your body stores can still be low which wouldn't be detected by that kind of blood test.

    I don't just want to accept this as 'just another faulty nervous system thing' because my orthostatic nausea caused by pots was completely treatable with pots treatment.

  2. 2 years ago I developed POTS which included lots of lightheadedness and orthostatic nausea. I was diagnosed 6 months later and successfully treated my symptoms w/ salt, water and exercise over the next 6 months until they were basically gone. However, since I started treating my POTS 1.5 years ago, I developed lots of gas and bloating, as well as nightly leg cramps and eye twitches which got progressively worse. I thought it may be salt irritating my stomach or an electrolyte balance so took a PPI for 6 months, which initially seemed to help but then it got worse again. I recently went for a blood test and found my haemoglobin has decreased from 12.5 when I was first investigated for POTS, to 9. something. Weirdly I don't feel my POTS/typical anemia symptoms are any worse than they were, except I haven't been doing much exercise lately which always makes me more lightheaded. I'm going for a follow up blood test in a few days time but am feeling at a complete dead end with my symptoms. Has anyone been diagnosed with anemia and what symptoms did you have.

  3. Has anyone had experience of an electrolyte/mineral deficiency? Particularly in response to a high salt and fluid diet to treat POTS. If so, what were your symptoms and how did you resolve the issue?

    In February I was diagnosed with POTS after 6 months of increasingly severe lightheadedness and orthostatic nausea amongst other symptoms. Luckily I had a lot of success treating my POTS with high salt/water/exercise to the point where I'm almost completely free of these symptoms. However, since about a week after beginning treatment for my POTS I developed completely new symptoms such as muscle twitches, leg cramps and digestive bloating. These issues have become more severe this summer, which may be related to increased sweating. I'm not on medication but I've heard things like high salt, water and sweating can all potentially lead to mineral deficiencies and was wondering if anyone else had experienced a deficiency, potentially as a result of pots treatment. I'm not seeking medical advice but want to see if anyone else has experienced this before altering my fluid/salt due to the hot summer weather, or before seeing a doctor which is difficult due to covid.

    Hope everyone's staying as healthy as they can. Dealing with a chronic illness is hard enough without a pandemic on top of everything. :-)

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