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Everything posted by Bellini

  1. Same from the exhaust in my car. Then a water heater in a work location. Currently working on recovery options, nothing fully successful yet but... Have had a few intermittent mornings where Pots symptoms are completely gone. Lying HR is high 60's and 83 upon standing. Tested over and over again, different HR monitors too cause I couldn't believe it. I'd be lucky to have a HR under the 90's before. Research is limited into low dose CO poisoning but most research shows it takes a long time to recover. I'm not patient so, tried IV vitamins from the homeopath to no avail, rented an altitude simulation tent, no results. Latest trial is spin classes, just starting but the PEM isn't there like it used to be. I figure since the CO was starving my body of oxygen I'll force my body to do the opposite. Will update if I can get into a full recovery.
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