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Everything posted by Rima

  1. Hello all, Please forgive what must be a not infrequent q. I've recently been told by my cardiologist to start the modified Dallas protocol but I can't for the life of me find a consistent formula that gives me the HR zones that I need to begin training - please help! One set of instructions gave what looked like right numbers but then there were no 'hr zones' where there needed to be zones. I've always been rubbish at maths! Feeling a tad loopy. Thanks
  2. Hi I’m in need of some advice. I’ve had pots for many years and had it fairly under control until four months ago when I moved in with a new partner who has dogs - I know i have an allergy to dogs, not severe but persistent and frustrating. I’ve been taking antihistamines. Since moving in my pots has flared badly and I feel like I’m going steadily down hill with worsening symptoms and ever increasing fatigue. Is it possible this is due to the ongoing allergy? Any thoughts appreciated.
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