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Crazy Tired

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Posts posted by Crazy Tired

  1. On 7/21/2013 at 4:02 PM, Rachel Cox said:

    Hi Clair, I suspect it is the high temperature of the water. You were in for half an hour which is a long time in that kind of heat. I know I would feel all those things you mention if I spent even half that length of time in water that hot. My body just can't thermoregulate effectively and it takes a very long time to get over it. Do you have a similar experience after a bath? I suspect it is about how your body handles heat. It is so frustrating when well meaning people suggest things to help that trigger other issues.
    Hope you find another solution.


  2. On 12/17/2020 at 10:36 AM, Pistol said:

    @Hippopotsamus - I think this is a common occurrence in dysautonomia. I get it, usually accompanied by yawning ( as an attempt by the body to get more O2 ) and can lead to syncope or seizures for me. I was told it is due t the ANS making too much adrenaline which constricts the vessels which then causes tremors etc. , at least that seems the case for me. I control this by laying down, covering up with heating pad ( warm blankets in hospital ) and - hopefully - it goes away. Overdoing things or getting too stimulated can cause this. 

    Makes sense. But with an adr spike, you'd feel agitated

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