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Everything posted by Fifi

  1. Thank you very much Pistol, you have reassured me about those SNRIs, I will begin and hope for even a marginal improvement. To this point in my life, I have hated meds so its time to start to deal with them 🙂 I have also started exercising, well recumbent strength training. Hi StayAtHomeMom, I'm having a difficult time right now but I have 2 daughters so I do need to keep it all together. My triggers are starting to appear but there are surprises. Would you believe but I had to endure 2 dental sessions for a root canal treatment before Christmas and I managed not to crash afterwards. I sympathize about the driving - we all took a driving trip early October (husband drove) and I literally collapsed afterwards! Hi ScottS, you have greatly encouraged me with your advice. I can't believe you suffered from these attacks in the past and now teach yoga!! That's amazing. Right now I can't see a future at all so any glimmer of hope means so much. Already I'm feeling a bit more assured that my symptoms are not unusual which does help. Thank you all again - I'll keep you posted.
  2. Thank you MomtoGuiliana, My diagnosis was inconclusive but definitely a form of dysautonomia. My neuro thinks it might even have been virus triggered (I tested positive for Epstein Barr antibodies) but this cannot be proven. I'm still waiting for the results of my lying/standing norepinephrine blood tests. This has been creeping up for the past 10 years and until now I dismissed all the little signs as random problems as they never lasted for long. My symptoms are now all over the place, no pattern, some better days but I cannot walk far without the headache/adrenaline response so I'm miserable with that. I have been prescribed exercise plus an SNRI as a first attack - does this sound sensible?
  3. Hi to all you brave members, I have been reading your really informative posts and now desperately need to engage directly with a cry for help. My life has recently been turned right upside down by a dysautonomia diagnosis (I don't fit any category exactly but I think I'm 'hyper') which I now realize has been building very slowly for years. I have been housebound for the past 3 months and have had all the typical symptoms - palpitations, headaches, chest pain, breathlessness, fatigue, weakness, adrenaline overcompensation, dizziness etc. I'm currently dealing with a really distressing symptom I need advice for: I cannot walk far at all (less than 100 continuous steps) without triggering a pressure/pulling sensation in the back of my neck/head which becomes so uncomfortable I have to immediately lie down to recover. On the occasion that I keep walking this then triggers those awful adrenaline surges which causes face flushing, BP spikes, HR increases, terrifying feelings of doom and feeling that my head will literally explode. These surges can last up to 30 minutes!! Then I'm wrecked! My BP does fluctuate too much (as seen from my TTT) and I'm wondering whether this is starving my brain of blood/oxygen when I'm walking? Which then causes tightness in neck/head? Which then triggers my sympathetic nervous system to put me into an adrenergic storm?? Any help would be so appreciated. I cannot tell you have upset and scared I am right now as I cannot see beyond how awful this feels. My life has literally fallen apart and I'm far from ready to begin the acceptance phase of all this. I'm still trying to understand what is happening to my body. Thank you so very much!
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