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Everything posted by POTS98

  1. I am only taking Atenolol. Once upon a time back in high school I took clonidine for what appeared to be adhd and could not so I tried Kapvay which I tolerated very well but later discontinued for reasons I don't remember. Kapvay is like an extended release of clonidine. I actually was looking at starting it again yesterday because I had read something about clonidine blocking the norepinephrine. I am also not being treated for an autoimmune disease because they can't find a specific one to treat. I do have some symptoms though that I have brought to my neurologists attentions. I have on an off ptosis (drooping eyelid, especially noticeable when I smile but may be unrelated) and blue fingernail beds that come and go. My mother has an autoimmune disease (Hashimotos) which I have tested negative for antibodies for on many occassions. The ANA is very slightly elevated, usually 1:80 speckled pattern, with the exception of one test done in August that showed 1:320 speckled. I have never had the Mayo or Celltrend autoimmune panels, how does one go about that? I have seen a rheumatologist who is befuddled by most of this. I have also had catecholamine testing done on two occassions last year for the pheocromacytoma. I totally get that breathing thing too. Last night it felt hard to get a full nice deep breath, but this morning I'm a little better as well.
  2. Forgot to mention I had vitamin d levels tested and they were like at 21 on a scale of 30-50. I guess lower than 20 is a deficiency so my levels were classified as insufficiency. I recently started taking supplements, but haven’t felt the difference.
  3. Hi everyone! I’m a 20 year old guy who has been having symptoms of dizziness, lightheadedness and what was thought to be anxiety since I was about 16-17. I even went as far as to take SSRIs without any improvement for anxiety. Fast forward to today and my symptoms remain as high bp, high heart rate when standing (60s to 115-120), nervous/jittery, weakness, brain fog and fatigue. I’ve seen many doctors who are now just saying it is hyperadrenergic pots after a positive tilt table test. I started on Atenolol a month ago with amazing results. 12.5 mg in the morning completely eradicates my high heart rate when standing and exercising until it wears off. What it does not take care of is the rest of my symptoms. It only works for the heart and nothing else, so everything else I mentioned remains the same. The most important thing to note is I get these episodes of being really anxious and jittery for no reason, as if I’m overstimulated. I’ve recently become overstimulated easy and will slip into these episodes. Anything can do it, even simply watching tv or playing a video game. My ANA has come back positive on 4 out of 5 occasions since last year during all the testing I’ve had done, but no definitive autoimmune disease could be found. I’ve begun to think this isn’t really pots but maybe something secondary causing a lot of symptoms because I have hair loss as well sporadically. What are your opinions?
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