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Posts posted by alextorel234

  1. Hi all I have a solution to reduce fatigue after a bowel movement.

    After a bowel movement, eat some bee pollen. That's it. It helps me.

    I think that a lot of things happens to our body when we live an unhealthy life style and it might take a very long time to restore health. fatigue after bowel movement is a sign of living a bad lifestyle. 

    another reason why this fatigue happens might be that when you eat food you are not properly digesting it and the body does not absorb enough nutrients. if you have bad emotions while eating this will stop digestion. you need to eat calmly and enjoy what you eat, and chew well until food has become liquid in your mouth and then swallow it, this will ensure your stomach digests food properly. Also eating too much, especially alot of meat, i think it makes everything worse.

    also you can try to stretch the psoas muscles, some people say it's helpful for this problem.

    even the mind does have a big impact on this, as well as for other problems. if you are fearful or have negative thoughts or emotions it will affect your stomach in a bad way, leading to a lot of problems.

    hope this helps.

    These are only my beliefs and should not be perceived as 100% truth.

    Edit: this works even better: You can simply squat or stand up while passing stools.

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